让专家告诉你 学英语,学什么?怎么学?(十二) 怎样提高听力(八)

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对策十四:要有应对突发意外事件的物质和心理准备。参加重大考试,一辈子只有几次机会。因此,对于这种事关重大的考试,必须做好充分的物质和思想准备。有些考生考试前过度紧张,吃不下.睡不着。由于劳累过度,进考场后.脑子根本不听使唤.什么也想不起来。有一位考生,考试当天没有吃早餐,临进考场之前还在背单词,结果因为低血糖,差一点晕倒。还有一位考生,平时就有晕车的毛病,考试前10分钟坐公共汽车赶到考场,一个劲儿想吐,听力考试结果可想而知。还有一些考生把铅笔削得特别尖,考试时一使劲,铅笔芯断了.或者把答题纸划破一个洞。有一些听力考试,使用录音机放音,如果考生坐在前五排之外,本来就比较难听清楚。碰巧前一排有人咳嗽,或突然挪动一下椅子,发出噪音,干扰了听音。你心一急,一连几个试题都听不明白。由于听力考试时人们的神经高度紧张,发生各种各样突发意外事件的几率非常大,因此.考试之前,必须做好 Countermeasure XIV: There must be physical and psychological preparation for unexpected accidents. Take major examinations and have only a few opportunities in your lifetime. Therefore, for such important examinations, we must make full material and ideological preparations. Some candidates are too nervous before the exam and cannot eat. Due to overwork, after entering the examination room, the brain did not listen to anything. Nothing could be remembered. One of the candidates did not eat breakfast on the day of the examination. He was still carrying the word before entering the examination room. The result was almost fainted because of hypoglycemia. There is also a candidate, there is always a problem with motion sickness, 10 minutes before the exam arrived by bus to the examination room, a vomiting, listening test results can be imagined. Some candidates sharpened the pencils sharply. When they tried hard on the exam, the pencil core broke, or the answer paper was cut through a hole. There are some listening exams, and the use of tape recorders. If candidates sit outside the first five rows, it would be difficult to hear clearly. Occasionally someone in the front row coughed, or suddenly moved the chair, making a noise and disturbing the listening. When you are in a hurry, you cannot understand a series of questions. Because of the high nervousness of people during the listening test, the chance of a variety of unexpected accidents is very high. Therefore, before the exam, you must do a good job.
“亡羊补牢,未为晚也”。事情总不会坏到不可收拾的地步。即使已经有了损失,只要肯花时间、费功夫,设法去挽救、弥补,也不算太迟,尚可对将来有所补益。 “Afterwards, it is
众所周知,no matter可与以wh-开头的一些特殊疑问词(包括how)构成一系列习惯性表达法,如no matter what(无论什么),no matterwhen(无论何时),no matter where(无论何地),no
酿造出好的啤酒需要有宗教般的信仰与热诚,这也许是啤酒沉淀在最深处的灵魂。3000多年前啤酒从起源地古埃及流传至欧洲,是在德国的教堂、修道院中成为一种普世的甘霖。  澳大利亚新南威尔士州。土壤肥沃,雨水丰沛,干燥而晴朗的收获季节,那里生产的优质大麦堪称是上天的馈赠,无论是千粒重、纤维素和B-葡聚糖含量,还是发芽率、色泽,都是世界最优质的大麦品种。自然,用澳新州大麦酿造的啤酒口味之醇美、泡沫之丰富,为
托福听力理解部分的 Part B 由两个人之间的长对话组成。在每一个对话结束后,应试者被问3或4个关于这个对话内容的问题。在听的时候不能记笔记,因此应试者必须仔细地听以找