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下面是我们从具体工作中所体会到的几点,特介绍供同志们参考。一、碱性溶液的贮藏法:化验室中常用到各种浓重的 NaOH 或 KOH 溶液。有50%的、有5%的、也有1N 或0.1N 的。但是装在玻璃试药瓶中,过了十几天后就会发现溶液中有些不干净,再仔细一看,有不少亮晶晶地呈五彩颜色的鳞片状物质在浮沉,原来是玻璃被碱所侵蚀而掉下来,使溶液不澄明,这显然能影响分析工作的准确性。共防止法可先将瓶子完全洗净,务使瓶壁无水珠存留,再用蒸溜水洗数次后,置烘箱中充分干燥。然后取纯净白蜡适量,切成小块投入瓶中,在电炉上旋转烘烤使蜡熔化。注意使瓶的内部均匀涂上薄蜡一层(不宜过厚或过薄),然后将瓶直立使自然冷却后, The following are some of the points we have learned from our specific work. We hereby introduce them to the comrades for reference. First, the storage method of alkaline solution: The laboratory is often used to a variety of concentrated NaOH or KOH solution. There are 50%, 5%, 1N or 0.1N. However, in a glass test bottle, after a dozen days, it will be found that some of the solution is not clean, and then a closer look, there are a lot of sparkling multicolored scaly material floating in the sink, the original is the glass by alkali Erosion falls and the solution is not clear, which obviously can affect the accuracy of the analysis. A total prevention method may be used to completely wash the bottles first, so that the water droplets on the bottle walls remain, and after washing with distilled water several times, the drying oven is fully dried. Then take the appropriate amount of pure white wax, cut into small pieces and put it into a bottle. Rotate and bake it on the electric furnace to melt the wax. Pay attention to evenly coat the interior of the bottle with a layer of thin wax (not too thick or too thin), then set the bottle upright to allow it to cool naturally.
蘇聯使用的幾種較新的抗生素湯光 1.蘇聯抗革蘭陽菌素Gramicidinum S(ГрамицидинС) 本品是自土壤中所得的短桿菌Bacillus brevis生長時分離所得的一種抗生素。其
蘇聯药典第8版雖有藥品貯存條件的規定,但是通常只適用於小量的药品,大的藥房或倉庫往往不易辦到。根據蘇聯藥典第8版规定,硫酸钠应貯存於密閉的瓶內。但由於我們 Although
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说明: 一、臟器製劑是由健康的動物的臟器、组織、血液、尿中所提製的動物性藥劑。普通有: 1.乾燥製劑(粉末、錠劑)——是供内服或嗅入者。 2.液狀製劑——內服者裝入特製的