各院、基地,各企事业单位: 设计文件的审查签署是型号产品研制程序的重要环节和保证设计文件质量的前提。近几年来,由于一些单位放松了严格管理和对技术责任制的检查、落实,造成技术文件审查把关不严,技术审签流于形式,致使设计错误难以及时发现,出现问题难以确切定位和彻底归零,给航天型号产品造成了严重的质量问题和隐患。为加
All institutions, bases, and enterprises and institutions: Examination and signing of design documents is an important part of the development process of model products and the prerequisite for the quality of design documents. In recent years, due to the relaxation of strict management and inspection and implementation of the technical responsibility system by some units, resulting in poor technical documentation review and technical auditing in the form, it has made it difficult to detect design errors in a timely manner, and it has been difficult to pinpoint and thoroughly identify problems. Zeroing has caused serious quality problems and hidden dangers for aerospace model products. Addition