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爱新觉罗·毓嵋,字紫薇,1960年生于天津,是当今满族爱新觉罗氏家族中最年轻的女画家。从小在父亲、当代著名国画家溥佐指导下,学习中国传统的绘画艺术。她刻苦自励,寝馈其间,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。作品曾多次参加国内外举行的爱新觉罗氏书画展,受到各界的好评。作品被选入在日本出版的《末代皇朝书画集》及《中国书画名作精选》,另在国内报刊发表作品多种,现为北京东城区古都书社社员,专业画家。 毓崌擅画墨竹和骏马。墨竹更是她常画的题材。她的“墨竹”得到了著名国画家、伯父溥松窗先生之真传。她掌握了竹的生态、特性和画竹规律,也注重笔情墨趣,格调寄托,继承了古代文人画的传统,具有元代画竹名家顾安神韵。秀竹新篁,自然舒展,清新挺秀,潇洒而不放纵,严谨而不呆板,确有其过人之处。 本期封底刊登的毓崌《墨竹图》为横幅小品。从构图上,采用了“穿插破平行法”,图左侧两根析枝空竿,偏侧一方,以取揖让谦恭之势,便于分枝布叶。一细竿从二粗竿中间穿插斜出,打破丁两竿平行并列格局。另一细竿弯曲向下,与前者形成偃仰之势。布局既统一而又有变化。细竿上安枝布叶,枝枝著节,叶叶著枝,穿插连缀,错落有致,显得枝叶纷披,摇曳生姿。既符合生长规律,又具有艺术美感。全图满纸清气,生机勃勃,格局高雅,韵味 Aixinjueluo Yu 嵋, the word Ziwei, was born in Tianjin in 1960, is the youngest female painter in the Manchu Aixinjueluo family. From his childhood, under the guidance of his father, the famous contemporary Chinese painter Pu Zuo, he studied Chinese traditional painting art. She painstakingly self-motivated, bed fed in the meantime, has made remarkable achievements. His works have been participated in Aixinjue’s Roche Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition held at home and abroad for many times and received high praise from all walks of life. His works have been selected as the “Book Collection of the Last Dynasties” and “Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphies and Paintings” published in Japan. In addition, his works have been published in various domestic newspapers and periodicals and are now members of the ancient capitals and professional painters in Dongcheng District, Beijing. Yu 崌 good at painting bamboo and horse. Ink bamboo is her favorite subject. Her “ink bamboo” got the true biography of the famous Chinese painter, uncle Pu Song window. She mastered the bamboo ecology, characteristics and the law of painting bamboo, but also pay attention to the pen ink, style of sustenance, inherited the tradition of ancient literati painting, with the Yuan Dynasty bamboo artist Gu An charm. New bamboo show, natural stretch, fresh Tingxiu, smart and not indulgent, rigorous and not rigid, and indeed it excels. This issue of the back cover published Yu 崌 “Ink Bamboo” is a banner sketch. From the composition, the use of “interspersed broken parallel method”, the left two branches of the empty pole figure, one side of the sideways, to take 揖 let humble situation, easy to branch and leaf. A thin pole interspersed between the two coarse pole oblique, breaking the two parallel parallel Ding pattern. Another fine pole bent down, with the former form Yan Yang trend. The layout is uniform and changing. Fine sticks Ann branches cloth leaves, branches with knots, leaves with branches, interspersed with patchwork, patchwork, appears foliage, swaying posture. Not only in line with the law of growth, but also has the artistic beauty. The whole picture full of clear air, vibrant, elegant layout, charm
(一) 首届中国陶瓷文化展作为国际科学与和平周的一项重要活动内容,由国际科学与和平周中国组委会、轻工业部和故宫博物院联合举办,于1991年11月13日上午在北京故宫乾清宫西
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