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目的研究模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫与经典体内啮齿类动物模型之间在化学品毒性检测及评价方面的内在关联性。方法采用敌敌畏、二水重铬酸钠、硫酸阿托品、氯化钾、无水2-丙醇等20余种不同浓度的化学品对秀丽隐杆线虫染毒24 h,观察96孔板中各孔线虫在2、4、12和24 h的死亡情况,用Probit法统计计算线虫半数致死浓度LC50。当化学品浓度设定在10.000、21.500和46.400 mg/ml时,另计数染毒1、8、16和20 h的线虫死亡数,获得半数致死时间LT50,进行线虫数据与大小鼠数据的相关性分析比较。结果线虫经各种化学品染毒12 h后IC50在0.76×10-3和300.54 mg/ml之间,染毒24 h后IC50在0.49×10-3和214.05 mg/ml之间。估算线虫可耐受的pH>2.75;剔除过酸化学品后,线虫LC50与大、小鼠LD50有正相关关系(r>0.75,P<0.01)。并且24 h的相关性高于12 h的相关性(r>0.84),稍低于大、小鼠LD50之间的相关性(r=0.899);线虫LC50和LT50具有相关性。结论化学品的pH值能够影响线虫LC50的测定值;相关性分析证实线虫毒性检测LC50值与大小鼠LD50值之间具有内在关联性;LC50和LT50这两项指标可作为后续研究化学品的线虫急性毒性的毒效指标。线虫体内模型在新化学品的啮齿类动物毒性检测前的预筛工作中将具有潜在的应用价值和前景。 Aim To investigate the intrinsic link between the detection and evaluation of chemical toxicity in model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and classical in vivo rodent models. Methods Thirty-six hours after exposure to dichlorvos, sodium dichromate, atropine sulfate, potassium chloride and anhydrous 2-propanol for 24 h, At 2,4,8 and 24 h of nematode mortality, the median lethal LC50 of C. elegans was calculated using the Probit method. When the concentration of chemicals was set at 10.000, 21.500 and 46.400 mg / ml, the number of deaths of nematodes at 1, 8, 16 and 20 h were also counted to obtain the median lethal time of LT50. The correlation between nematode data and rat and rat data was obtained analyse and compare. Results The IC50 was between 0.76 × 10-3 and 300.54 mg / ml for 12 h after exposure to various chemicals. The IC50 was 0.49 × 10-3 and 214.05 mg / ml after 24 h exposure. The tolerated pH of nematodes was estimated to be> 2.75. After being acid-labile, the LC50 of nematode was positively correlated with LD50 of mice and mice (r> 0.75, P <0.01). (R> 0.84), which was slightly lower than the correlation between LD50 of large mice and mice (r = 0.899). There was a correlation between LC50 and LT50 of nematodes. Conclusions The value of the chemical can affect the LC50 value of the nematode. Correlation analysis confirmed the linear relationship between the LC50 value of nematode toxicity and the LD50 value of the mouse and the LC50 and LT50, which could be used as the nematode Acute toxicity toxicity index. Nematode in vivo model will have potential application value and prospect in the pre-screening of rodent toxicity testing of new chemicals.
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