,Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and its applications in determining optical constants of

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The principle of variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) and the data analysis models,as well as the applications of VASE in the characterization of chalcogenide bulk glasses and thin films are reviewed.By going through the literature and summarizing the application scopes of various analysis models,it is found that a combination of various models,rather than any single data analysis model,is ideal to characterize the optical constants of the chalcogenide bulk glasses and thin films over a wider wavelength range.While the reliable optical data in the mid-and far-infrared region are limited,the VASE is flexible and reliable to solve the issues,making it promising to characterize the optical properties of chalcogenide glasses.
胡适说:“学问之道两面而已,一曰广大(博),一曰高深(精),两者须相辅而行。务精者每失之隘,务博者每失之浅,其失一也。”  胡适是学界泰斗,他做了一辈子的学问,在多个领域有开创性的成就,但他做学问却一直在“博”与“精”之间矛盾彷徨。  胡适曾給自己下了个颇为精彩的判断:“吾生平大过,在于求博而不务精”。后人批评胡适的学问,也多着眼于其能“浅出”而不能“深入”。  1914年初,胡适即作过痛切的自省
<正> 由共青团甘肃省委主办的《青年晚报》于1984年10月在兰州试刊.1985年元月正式出刊,为周二刊,向全国发行。目前,全国有青年报刊近四十家,但以晚报形式出刊的报纸,《青年晚报》还是第一家,著名书法家舒同为该报题写了报头。
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