Shanghai world EXPO, the creation of the award-winning films and teaching experience

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  Abstract: the world’s Fair (Word EXPO 2010, the world ‘s Fair), also known as international EXPO and world’s Fair, referred to as “the world EXPO, EXPO, Fair, is commissioned by the host country government departments, which has great influence and a long history of international EXPO activities. Visitors will show the world the positive influence on the contemporary culture, science and technology and industry results of various kinds of life. The author leads students to the chongqing life “as the main line in chongqing multicultural fusion, the economic prosperity, science and technology innovation, the reshaping of the community and rural interaction, etc, hoping to raise public challenges in” chongqing era “suffering consciousness; To promote the protection of heritage of chongqing, to make people pay more attention to healthy development of chongqing; Promote the sustainable development of chongqing idea, promote the exchange of human society fusion and understand each other and so on ,in order to play an important role. In the process of letting the students participate in the process, improving the students’ writing level and sense of responsibility of this age.
  Key words: animation; Mining; Refining; Chongqing culture; The national spirit. Shanghai world EXPO
  1.the introduction
  World EXPO 2010 Shanghai China (EXPO 2010), from May 1 to October 31, 2010, in the 53rd session of the world EXPO held in Shanghai, which is also the first time for China to hold world EXPO. The world EXPO with "chongqing, Better Life" (Better City, Better Life) as the theme, with a total investment of 45 billion yuan, created the largest record in world EXPO history. At the same time, the attendance of 73.08 million achieved the top of the list including the previous world EXPO.
  2.To show chongqing by multidimensional ways , it is necessary to fully investigate the material collections of chongqing. 2006.6 the 12th Shanghai international TV festival: "spicy small twister" got the nomination of the best animation creative award of magnolia award .
  first, multicultural fusion, the world's people are more concerned about freedom of culture and cultural identity than ever. Under the globalization , the urban culture is facing a lot of impacts. A lot of information and personnel flow make the city’s collision between a strong culture and weak culture, foreign culture and native culture, immigration culture and the mainstream culture reach an unprecedented level. Second, the economic prosperity of the earliest city comes from the market development. The driving force of economic development in city is the city agglomeration effect. In the era of knowledge economy, innovation and entrepreneurship become the core power of the sustainable development of urban economy. A city’s ability to innovate is based on the research strength, but more is from the creative interaction between people. Entrepreneurship is related to the wealth of the city, but in fact more rooted in entrepreneurship cultural tradition, and the city have good working and living environment, have the ability to attract top talent people, and is directly in relation with a city’s economic future. In addition, good infrastructure and complete services, is also a necessary conditions in the city’s economic prosperity. Third, the community of remodeling is the “cell” of the city, is a city people usually living space form. “Healthy” cells to create healthy and harmonious city. Cultural fusion, economic prosperity, all are the basic units of the community. Fourth, the interaction between urban and rural chongqing, since the day of the birth of chongqing, chongqing city and country are interdependent in the economic, social and environmental aspects. Rural residents through downtown to sell their products to make a living, and the prosperity of chongqing also relies on the resources and needs from the rural hinterland. Chongqing urban expansion brought great pressure to non-renewable resources, new ideas in chongqing planning, construction and the use of energy technology to maximize the ease the pressure. Fifth, chongqing science and technology innovation is a huge stage of human science and technology innovation. Within the walls, all kinds of innovative elements blend together, the innovation thought is able to burst due to the intensive communication and interaction of people . At the same time, chongqing’s development and production facilities and rapid into technology makes the spark of innovation, and then into the benefit of human’s products and services. Since the 20th century, the rapid development of science and technology makes it possible of large-scale chongqing. At the same time, the material life of the rich people and improvement is embodied in chongqing. Technology has greatly improved the daily life of human beings, and this kind of material life life also in the cultural life of the mind on the deep imprint of human.   3. To summarize
  The chongqing life is honored to become the world EXPO 2010 Shanghai China's award-winning scientific research achievements. And let us know the results, every people of chongqing, is a member of the chongqing, as a teacher, we should have the courage to participate in the activities of chongqing, countries and nations, through the film to show in chongqing and the personality charm of the motherland!
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  World EXPO 2010 Shanghai China award-winning scientific research achievements
【摘 要】“美声唱法”是音乐高等院校声乐学科的主要唱法之一,但作为一种泊来艺术种类,人们对它的认识往往比较抽象,片面。唱法和作品的诞生往往是相辅相成的,所以通过对一种唱法的代表作品进行分析可以让我们比较理性的认识唱法本身。  【关键词】美声唱法 连音 持续音 渐强与渐弱  美声唱法又称声乐的“贝尔康多”学派,是由意大利语Bel canto音译而来,意思是美丽的歌唱的意思。然而美丽是一个非常笼统的形
【摘 要】童话是一个奇异的世界,在这个世界中,万物通过想象都可以获得生命,活跃其间。精灵是童话中不可或缺的一部分,往往作为配角推动者故事情节的发展,作者赋予了它们使命,教导人们摒除邪恶,追求光明。在《格林童话》中,有正义善良的精灵以俏皮可爱的动物形象为代表,有凶恶狠毒的精灵以老妖婆为代表,这些精灵所代表的力量是现实中正邪力量在童话中的影射,有着基督教宗教世界观的影响,也反映着当时女性社会地位。  
【摘 要】电网企业的电力营销服务水平直接影响着客户的满意度和企业的竞争力。本文通过构建甘肃电力营销服务省市县一体化管理体系,强化各级营销人员的服务意识和服务责任,使公司关于优质服务的各项工作决策部署、规章制度能够有效地贯穿于含代管县供电企业在内的全部营销机构和各级营销人员,实现公司营销服务整体水平跨越式提升目标。  【关键词】营销服务 一体化 管理体系  电力营销是电网企业的核心业务,直接关系到供
【摘 要】随着信息和网络信息时代的到来,以计算机、通信和信息技术为中心的网络日益成为连接社会的纽带。道路运输管理作为社会发展的一个重要基础,成为信息时代发展的重点之一。信息技术是提高道路运输管理效果的重要手段,但是道路运输数字化在建设观念和重视程度及法律体系等方面还存在一定的问题,这严重影响了道路运输管理数字化建设和发展。本文浅析了数字化时代下对公路运输的影响以及如何利用信息技术提高公路运输的效益
【摘 要】随着我国经济和信息技术的快速发展,我国的世界经济也已经进入到了全球化的时代,那么加强对外贸易也是一个国家为适应经济全球化的做出的必要决策,基于现有的国际经济贸易环境,我国不仅需要根据自身的经济特点和发展状况,还要掌握国际经济贸易发展的形式和特点,制定符合我国需求的对外贸易战略,进而促进我国对外贸易的快速发展。本文主要探究了基于国际经济贸易环境下我国的对外贸易战略。  【关键词】国际经济贸
【摘 要】随着社会经济的不断发展,计算机技术、信息技术也在不断发展,此时,全世界的电信业也在不断发展着。华为作为通信设备商中的国产品牌,在这一方面的发展迅速,但是也不免存在一些问题。本文将从华为的发展写起,研究其现状及存在的问题,运用SWOT法分析其优势和劣势、机遇和威胁,剖析华为的国际营销战略和营销策略,从中得到启示。  【关键词】华为 SWOT分析 营销 启示  一、企业概述及发展历程  华为
历史电视片是以掌握历史概念,探求历史发展动因和宣传历史为目的的。心理学研究表明,没有理解的记忆是不会长久停留在脑海中的,这样就会出现观众掌握得不够牢固,不久就会忘掉的现象。而历史电视片将历史知识化难为易,化繁为简,片中动态内容代替抽象的说教,使观众在轻松愉快的情境中很快地去欣赏、去鉴别、去认识历史。  如历史电视片《斯大林格勒保卫战》,我国观众对法西斯德国对苏联的进攻,以及苏联红军的战略反攻,因地
当前,我国正处在社会矛盾凸显期和突发事件高发期。伴随经济体制的深刻变革、社会结构的深刻变动、利益格局的深刻调整、思想观念的深刻变化,突发事件舆论引导面临着新形势和新任务,已成为宣传思想工作亟待加强和改进的重大课题。  一、突发事件舆论引导面临的新形势  舆论引导是指通过对有关信息的选择、组织、阐释、发布来影响公众舆论,使其向着自己希望的方向发展的信息传播过程。政府、媒体、公众构成了舆论引导的三要素
【摘 要】我国是一个环境污染比较严重的国家。我国企业生产效率与发达国家相比比较低下,资源能源利用效率低,生产方式比较粗放。发展经济的同时也造成环境巨大的污染和破坏。为了使排污企业能积极承担损失,促使其积极投身污染治理和生态的恢复工作,建立和推行环境责任险是非常必要的。本文的总体思路是分析目前我国环境责任险发展现状和发展中存在的问题,借鉴国际经验,探索适合我国的环境责任险发展道路。  【关键词】环境
【摘 要】通过对潮州市潮安区政府电子政务建设现状的调研,从政府门户网站建设,政务公开,政民互动,以及面向公众服务为核心的流程优化等方面对潮安区政府电子政务的基本现状进行了分析研究,总结出潮安区政府电子政务建设存在的不足,提出潮安区政府电子政务流程优化及发展的思路和对策。  【关键词】潮安区 电子政务 政府网站  随着电子信息技术、网络通信技术的快速发展,电子政务以其多功能、开放性、时效性、适应性等