A UWB communication system based on dechirp pulse compression and OOK modulation

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scfeiyang
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In this paper,a novel UWB communication system structure is proposed.The transmitted signal uses OOK modulation and chirp spread spectrum.The received signal first goes through a dechirp pulse compression process,and then is processed with a two-level sliding correlation algorithm for coarse timing synchronization and fine timing synchronization.After the SNR estimation,the signal is demodulated by an energy detection method.An integrated system level simulation model is established,and the performance of this system is evaluated over the AWGN channel,IEEE 802.15.3a CM1 and CM4 channels.The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this UWB communication system can effectively reduce the sampling rate and signal processing speed at the receiver,and it is more suitable for long-distance and low-rate UWB communications with high spreading gain. In this paper, a novel UWB communication system structure is proposed. The transmitted signal uses OOK modulation and chirp spread spectrum. The received signal first goes through a dechirp pulse compression process, and then is processed with a two-level sliding correlation algorithm for coarse timing synchronization and fine timing synchronization. After the SNR estimation, the signal is demodulated by an energy detection method. An integrated system level simulation model is established, and the performance of this system is evaluated over the AWGN channel, IEEE 802.15.3a CM1 and CM4 channels. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show this this UWB communication system can effectively reduce the sampling rate and signal processing speed at the receiver, and it is more suitable for long-distance and low-rate UWB communications with high spreading gain.
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