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《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中在科学领域强调幼儿的科学学习应注重激发幼儿的探究兴趣,体验探究过程,培养初步的探究能力。并提出亲近自然,喜欢探究;具有初步的探究能力;在探究中认识周围事物和现象的目标。根据“指南”的目标要求,结合我园地处城郊的地理位置,我们对周边的教育资源和园内现有的自然环境进行充分的挖掘、利用,在自然中激发幼儿的探究欲望,在探索与发现中让科学的种子撒播进孩子心田。融入自然,开设种植活动,培养幼儿自主探究的精神在科学探究中,教师要支持幼儿在接触自然中积累有益的直接经验和感性认识,和幼儿一起通过种植活动,感知生物的多样性和独特性,以及生长、繁殖的过程。为此我们因地制宜 The scientific study emphasizing young children in the field of science in the Guide for Learning and Development of 3-6-year-old Children should focus on stimulating young children’s exploration interest, experiencing the inquiry process and cultivating preliminary inquiry skills. And put forward to be close to nature, like to explore; have a preliminary inquiry ability; in the exploration of the surrounding things and phenomena of the goal. According to the target requirements of “Guide ”, combined with the geographical location of our park in the outskirts, we fully excavate and utilize the surrounding educational resources and existing natural environment in the park to stimulate young children’s exploration desire in nature. Exploration and discovery Let the seeds of science spread into the heart of children. Into the nature, the establishment of planting activities, develop children’s self-exploration spirit In scientific inquiry, teachers should support children in contact with the accumulation of beneficial direct experience and perceptual knowledge, together with young children through planting activities, perception of biological diversity and uniqueness , As well as the process of growth and reproduction. To this end, we adapted to local conditions
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羊城,四季如春,入冬之后稍许有了些寒意。 一列满载着旅客的列车,徐徐地开进广州火车站。 1993年12月9日清晨,衡阳至广州的319次列车比平常晚几分钟驶入站台,旅客紧张有秩