In the course of my study on the Chihsia Corals from Central China, Mr. Y. T. Chao my collegue of the Geological Survey......
Amendment on the strain measurement of thin-walled human skull shell as intracranial pressure change
The human skull, composed of tabula externa, tabula interna, and a porous diploe sandwiched in between, is deformed with......
本文对 Eofletcheria minima Lin et Chow 分类位置重新修订,把该生物以动物界珊瑚动物门类中转移到植物界红藻门类里,并定名为 ps......
丹麦HOLEC A/S公司推出的新型低压开关柜--TABULA,其柜体结构设计独特,选材优异,具有很高的机械强度、刚度、扭转稳定性以及抗腐蚀性。此外,还具有很好......
建筑设计和城市规划方面的Tabula Rasa思想(模式)是指,将特定空间范围内原有的各种建筑设施和景观彻底清除,而代之以全新的建筑群......