Environmental and anthropogenic factors drive range loss in large mammals.We used Amur tigers’ presence data opportunis......
Lake Taihu is the third largest freshwater lake in China and is suffering from serious cyanobacterial blooms with the as......
Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Emergency Admissions for Respiratory Disease in urban ar
Background: The exposure of fine particulate matter (PM2.5, particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5μm) pol......
Relationship between meteorological factors and asthma hospital admissions in Shanghai: a time-serie
Objective To quantitatively evaluate the impacts of changes of meteorological on asthma hospital admissions.Methods Info......
Effects of the floods on dysentery in north central region of Henan Province,China from 2004 to 2009
Objectives:Zhengzhou,Kaifeng and Xinxiang,the cities in the north central re-gion of Henan Province,suffered from many t......
The impact of climate change on the abundance of polar fishes: two cases of Arctic cod (Boreogadus s
Marine organisms living in the polar regions are exposed to strong environmental constraints, however, the northern and ......
National-scale data-driven rainfall induced landslide susceptibility mapping for China by accounting
China is one of the countries where landslides caused the most fatalities in the last decades.The threat that landslide ......
Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Emergency Admissionsfor Total and Disease-Specific Respi
Background: Recent epidemiological and toxicological studies have shown the associations between fine particulate ma......
Background:An increasing trend of the incidence of mumps has been observed in a few developing countries in recent y......
A habitat model has been widely used to manage marine species and analyze relationship between species distribution and ......
目的 探讨成都市主城区大气PM2.5浓度对当地医院门诊就诊量的影响,比较该地区大气PM2.5浓度对人群健康的影响与我国其他地区的异同......
目的 分析武汉市大气污染短期暴露对人群死亡率影响的季节差异.方法 采用基于Poisson分布的广义相加模型的时间序列方法,分析武汉......
目的 研究上海市日均气温与三级医院医保急诊人次的关系.方法 应用广义相加模型分析时间序列资料,并在模型中加入自回归模型AR(P)......