【摘 要】
Carbon monosulfide (CS), which plays an important role in a variety of research fields,has long been received considerable interest.Due to its transient nat
【机 构】
【出 处】
Carbon monosulfide (CS), which plays an important role in a variety of research fields,has long been received considerable interest.Due to its transient nature and large state density, the electronic states of CS have not been well understood, especially the interactions between different states.In this paper, we performed a detail ab initio study on the low-lying electronic states of CS, by means of the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction method (including Davidson correction) with scalar relativistic correction using Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian.
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人肚脐以下长度与身高之比等于黄金分割数0.618,人体绘画、美术、雕塑以及模特儿都以此比例为标准。体型合此标准者被视为“标准美人”。肚脐为人体纵向黄金分割点,是由先天遗传决定的,自己难以掌握。 除此之外,人体还有横向健美参数,即腰(围)与臀(围)比,这可以通过自己的努力来改变或者达到健美标准。人体横向健美参数非常重要,它可以表示人的健康状态。一般而言,胖女人比胖男人健康,而且较为长寿。原因是,女
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Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Gui
2001年ziboy花了大约300美元买了一部SONY P30数码相机,在此之前他很少摄影.主要是觉得摄影的花费太大。自从有了这部数码相机,他几乎和它形影不离。每当他出门的时候,总要
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人工流产手术,在我国仍是计划生育中的一种不可缺少的措施之一,每年总有大量的妇女作人流手术。然而有不少妇女。经人流后往往出现月经失调现象,其中部分妇女发生闭经。有关专家经对729倒人流者进行调查,术后30天内月经恢复者占78.05%,60天内恢复者占14.08%,月经恢复暂时紊乱者占2.61%,其余发生闭经占5.26%。经研究表明,闭经者有以下几个原因: 一、再次怀孕:人流后月经恢复的平均时间为3