【摘 要】
Deriving mechanistic relations between genes and proteins is a crucial part of large-scale genomic data analysis.Genes and proteins in the cell do not funct
【机 构】
Department of Systems Biology The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center USA
【出 处】
(BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2010, Breast Cancer C
Deriving mechanistic relations between genes and proteins is a crucial part of large-scale genomic data analysis.Genes and proteins in the cell do not function as stand alone units but rather through intricate networks.Normal regulation of cellular function is dependent on coherent functioning of the cellular networks.Genomic and proteomic methods generate large amounts of data and most current methods of analysis attempt to identify most significant genes without regard to their network connectivity thereby treating each gene or protein as an individual entity.We have analyzed the same data sets based on their network connectivity to determine coherently regulated networks that may play a causal role in driving different phenotypes.Identifying these networks is possible by analyzing functional interactions between genes within the given biological context highlighted by the dat& Novel network algorithms we have developed integrate experimental data from gene expression, phopho-proteomics and siRNA screens to enable us to derive pathway and network dependent analysis of large data sets.
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成名前,J·K·罗琳十分渴望能当上一名教师。但是,她说,她没料到会遭遇官方歧视。 “当时初为单身母亲的我,乐于相信这样一个事实:渴望工作的人至少可以得到国家的鼓励。” 1994年我29岁,准备考现代语言教育专业的研究生文凭。当时的我有几分自信,因为,不管怎么说,我是一名语言专业的大学毕业生,还有两三年国外教学的经验。 的确,我也并没指望自己能像18岁时那样轻松上阵,一头扎进学习中去。1983
Combretastatin A-4 (CA-4) is a natural product possessing effective anti-tubulin activity by binding at the colchicinebinding site oftubulin.Much effort has