De novo sequencing transcriptome and different expression genes in ovarian tissue of Sichuan White g

来源 :第七次全国动物生物技术学术研讨会暨新疆畜牧科学院第六次学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyuyuseu
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  High-throughput RNA sequencing was performed for comprehendsively analyzing the transcriptome of the geese.A total of 28,803,759 bp of raw sequence data were generated, of which 28,730,361bp remained after adaptor trimming (99% of sequenced bases).After removal of adaptor sequences, 117,279 reads were obtained, with an average length of 244 bases.Assembly of all the reads from both 454 and illumine platforms, formed 56,839 contigs, with 12,995 reads remaining as singletons, Ranging from 38 to 28206 bp in size, with an average size of 2584 bp and an N50 of 4624.The assembly produced a substantial number of large contigs: 35,545 (62.5%) were longer thanlkb, of which 8850 (15.6%) were longer than 5kb.The sequencing depth was 85 X on average.We performed comprehensive function annotations on unigenes including protein sequence similarity, GO term classification, and KEGG pathway enrichment.Gene ontology (GO) analysis showed that approximately 63% of the contigs had annotation information, among the 36,756 annotated sequences in Nr database, 24,299 (66.1%) sequences were assigned with one or more GO terms.There were 19,757 (81.3%) isotigs for biological processes, 10,643 (43.4%) isotigs for cellular component, 22,818 (93.9%) isotigs for molecular function.The result of KEGG pathway mapping 8,737 sequences had the pathway annotation, and took part in 477 pathways.In addition, different expression genes in ovarian tissue between different states of Sichuan White geese were detected in the current study.
采取羔羊的子叶、脐带、尾部组织,死羊的全身组织以及活羊的肌肉组织,用Follistatin N+D1基因特异性引物进行PCR检测,同时,对慢病毒载体的CMV启动子、LTR基因进行PCR检测;并对死羊的全身组织以及活羊的肌肉组织作RT-PCR检测.结果显示初生转基因羔羊目的基因PCR检测采用尾部组织为佳;进一步的RT-PCR检测同时验证了目标基因的转录,对慢病毒相关元件的检测为转基因动物的安全性考察
本文使用VITEK2 Compact全自动微生物分析鉴定仪和16SrRNA相结合的方法对暗腹雪鸡胃肠道(嗉囊、腺胃、十二指肠、回肠、盲肠)的3种菌群(大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌、肠球菌)进行测定,探讨暗腹雪鸡消化道菌群的分布规律.结果:3种菌群在盲肠内分布最多,其次为嗉囊,十二指肠;胃肠道内三种菌占比例从大到小依次为肠杆菌、肠球菌、葡萄球菌.