A Research on the Higher Education Institutional Culture Innovation and Talent Cultivation in China

来源 :高教质量改进:高校学生事务管理的角色定位国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfhdgfhdgf
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  This paper analyzes the relations between changing institutional culture and talent cultivation.Based on MIT organizational behavior scientist Edgar Scheins definition of organization culture,A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems that has worked well enough to be considered valid and is passed on to new members as the correct way to perceive,think,and feel in relation to those problems,the paper describes how an university should and could change its culture from both external adaptation and internal integration dimensions.At the external adaptation dimension,the university should clarify its core mission for cultivating students creativity,exploring and implementing respective strategies and approaches,including updating curriculum contents,emphasizing teaching innovation,strengthening the universities linkages with industries,etc.At the internal integration dimension,the university administrators should facilitate and support faculty and students reaching some common value orientation,including what are creative talents,how to cultivate creative talents,implementing corresponding faculty hiring criterions,student recruiting and evaluation standards,etc.the paper depicts these dimensions and elements by cases from both China and U.S.,including Tsinghua University,George town university,Stanford University.According to Schein,its hard to change an institutional culture; therefore,changing it needs tremendous investment in time,resources,work,and outside stimulus and intervention.The paper conclude that in order to cultivate creative talents,the university should uphold the universitys excellent traditions,reform outdated systems and customs,clarify its mission,linking the mission with specific objects,tasks and standards,strategies and approaches,.The administrators should pursuit reaching consensus and forming collaborative relationships among faculties and students.By doing so,teachers and students can share an innovative culture and atmosphere,engaging in common research and teaching activity,realizing individuals dreams,inspirations and creativity potentials to maximum extent.
一、回族历史 从海富润案件看乾隆对回族的统治政策 马汝珩 《回族研究》第1期8页 关于评价新疆回族、维吾尔族起义的几个问题 吴万善 张玉峰 《回族研究》第1期13页 浅谈回
一、寿与爱伴爱社会、爱家庭、爱生活、爱大自然。不仅满足于被别人所爱,更注重自己奉献爱。爱能使人的心胸更加宽一心境更好,心态更健康,从而使童心不泯,能抗衰老、延年益寿。  二、寿与众伴老年人就是要走出封闭的狭小生活空间,远离孤独,多与人交往和接触,彼此交融,相互信任,相互帮助,以增强安全感,促使心身轻松,达到健康延寿的目的。  三、寿与德伴加强道德修养,做到乐善好施,助人为乐,事事通达,心胸宽广,这
  目的 评估第二代双源CT(Dual-Source CT,DSCT)前瞻性ECG管电流调制技术右心室功能分析的准确性及辐射剂量。方法 连续48例临床怀疑或确诊为冠心病患者行冠脉CT成像和MRI
  目的 探讨MRI诊断胎儿Dandv-Walker综合征的应用价值。方法 6例产前超声及MRI诊断为Dandv-Walker的胎儿完整资料。孕妇年龄26~32岁,平均29岁;孕龄20~32周,平均26周,均为单胎
<正>《格萨尔》是一部反映古代藏族社会的大百科全书。因此,熟悉和研究《格萨尔》必将促进藏学研究,并有可能取得突破性的进展。 一 《格萨尔》是一部反映古代藏族氏族部落社会形成的史诗。 长篇英雄史诗《格萨尔》描述的古代藏族社会是一个部落社会。它艺术地再现了这一社会由分散到统一的全部历史进程。在这个过程中,承担历史重任的是岭国(当然,这里所谓的岭国是《格萨尔》中描述的岭国,下同)。因此史诗对岭国所属的主要氏族、部落的产生、形成和发展,交待得比较清楚。 格萨尔称王前的岭国,其社会组织已是以冬氏族(g