宋庆龄的后半生把全部的心血和感情献给了中国儿童福利事业,她把儿童视为中国未来的希望,尽管她没有亲生骨肉,但她把祖国千千万万儿童当作自己的儿女。隋氏姐妹不是宋庆龄的养女1995年1月20日,北京《作家文摘》以《宋庆龄养女在美国》为题,转载了1994年第12期《当代青年》由安危先生撰写的文章。文章说:“到了50年代末,她(沈按:指宋庆龄)才收养了两个女儿,姐姐叫 Yalanda(按:中文名字叫隋永清),妹妹叫Jeanette(按:中文名字叫隋永洁)。作为普通人的宋庆龄,晚年同这两个养女朝夕相处,相依为命,颐
Soong Ching Ling, the latter half of the year, devoted all her effort and passion to the cause of children’s welfare in China. She regards children as hope for the future of China. Although she does not have her own destiny, she regards her children as her children. Sui’s sister is not a daughter of Soong Ching Ling January 20, 1995, Beijing “Writers Digest” to “Song Qingling daughter in the United States” as the title, reproduced in 1994 No. 12 “Contemporary Youth” written by Mr. An Safety article. The article said: "By the late 1950s, she adopted two daughters, Shen Yat-sen (referring to Soong Ching Ling), her sister Yalanda (press: Chinese name Sui Yongqing), her sister Jeanette (press: Chinese name Sui Yongjie) Song Qingling people, old age with the two adoptive women get along day and night, each dependent, Yi