Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Activity of Pluronic F68-Curcumin Conjugate Micelles

来源 :2014年中国药物制剂大会——中国药学会药剂专业委员会年会、第六届亚洲阿登制药技术研讨会暨国际控释协会中国分会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acshixiaoguang
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  Curcumin (CUR), a nontoxic polyphenol derived from the rhizome of turmeric (Curcuma longa), has been recognized as a potent anticancer and chemo-preventative agent.However, its clinical application for cancer treatment has been greatly limited due to its poor water-solubility and low bioavailability.In this study, an amphiphilic copolymer based on Pluronic F68 conjugated with CUR (F68-CUR) was designed and synthesized as the carrier to tackle this problem.Highly stable micelles with CUR distributed in the core were formulated via solvent evaporation method, as confirmed by FIRT and NMR.
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摘 要:某公司主变压器运行中红外成像检测时,发现C相中性点套管顶部柱头与接地引线接线板间温度异常升高,为了保障变压器的安全运行,随即采取相关控制措施,将温度控制在有效范围内,坚持运行5個月。文章针对上述重大缺陷,从发现到解决,探讨有关措施的制定、执行及处理方法。  关键词:中性点套管;发热;检查与处理  中图分类号:TM407 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-106