Complexation of G2.0-NH2/Ag+ and Its Application on the Preparation of Conductive PET Fabrics

来源 :2012上海纺织服装创意设计研究生学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kashiyo
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The complexation between Ag+ and dendritic polyamidoamine molecules of 2.0 generation (G2.0-NH2) was investigated by the spectrophotometric method, and then the complex liquid was applied on the preparation of conductive PET fabrics. The experimental results showed that the largest ratio of complex between Ag+ and G2.0-NH2 is 1:6, and reaction temperature and time had significant influence on the complexation. When the pH value reduced to a certain value, G2.0-NH2 could not complex with Ag+. When the complex liquid was padded onto the surface of PET fabric, the electroless copper plating reaction happened on the surface of fabric successfully.
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