长期以来,英国一直被认为是不成文宪法的典型国家,但鲜为人知的是,人类近代史上第一部国家颁布的成文宪法就出现在英国,即1653年《政府约法》(Instrument ofGovernment)。《政府约法》产生于英国资产阶级革命时代,是克伦威尔护国公政体的宪法。它继受了英国革命时期多部法律文件,结合了平均派与新贵族派的观点而成。它在现代国家的统一性及其主权完整性方面,在民主选举程序与国家权力分立方面,在公民权利和法治原则的阐述方面,都对后世人类的立宪及法治发展起到过积极的推动作用。
For a long time, Britain had always been regarded as a typical country of unwritten constitutions. However, it was little known that the written constitution promulgated by the first country in modern history of mankind appeared in Britain in the 1653 “Instrument of Government.” “Government Law” was born in the era of British bourgeois revolution, is Cromwell protect the constitutional government. It inherited a number of legal documents during the British Revolution, combining the views of the average and new aristocracy. It plays a positive role in promoting the constitutional and legal development of later generations in terms of the unity of the modern state and its sovereignty and integrity, the procedure of democratic election and the separation of state powers, and the elaboration of the principles of civil rights and the rule of law .