The Individual Reactivity Difference to Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS

来源 :BITs 1rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2009(200 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerrykfczz
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  It is not an optimal and rational therapy method but acceptable according clinical trials for a long time that all the patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), especially through percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), receive the same single anti-platelet remedy no matter how different of them in size, weight, renal function, hepatic function, concomitant diseases such as diabetes and so on.The key cause of this phenomenon is short of simple and veracious method to estimate the platelet aggregation activity and aggregative inhibit rate impersonally and repetitively.Now, this problem has been likely to be solved through the point-to-care modified thromboelastography (mTEG), VASPP and VerifyNow etc.We examined the individual reactivity difference to anti-platelet therapy in 300 ACS patients with intended PCI by mTEG.Indeed, some much lower and higher reactivity to inhibit platelet therapy and different basic platelet activity are detected.Neither large bleeding nor thrombosis in stents has taken place although the remedies are modulated according to the estimation derived from mTEG.At the same time ischemic events decreased significantly.We also found some orderliness in higher basic platelet activity population distinguished by examining 600 ACS with or without PCI through mTEG.Our data suggest that there is significant individual reactivity difference to anti-platelet therapy in CHD, especially in ACS.In high risk patients through PCI, it is necessary to modify antiplatelet remedy individually.
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