Haploinsufficiency of a novel gene on 3p26.1, SMDD1,cause autosomal-dominant dentin dysplasia type Ⅰ

来源 :第十四次全国医学遗传学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smsyzgc
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  The hereditary dentin defects, dentinogenesis imperfecta(DGI)and dentin dysplasia (DD) comprise a group of autosomal-dominant genetic conditions and the molecular basis of such dental disorders in all sub-groups except for DD Type Ⅰ (DDI)is linked to mutations in dentin sialophospho-protein gene (DSPP).
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目的:探讨二代测序(Next generation sequencing,NGS)技术检测假肥大型肌营养不良(Duchenne muscular dystrophy,DMD)患者的可行性.方法:用NGS技术检测3例DMD患者,并用Sanger测序技术对NGS技术检测结果进行验证,同时对家系其他成员的相应位点进行分析.结果:NGS技术结果表明,患者#1为DMD基因编码区第29号外显子存在1个错义突变
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