根据国际SIL的数据“Ethnologue”统计,非洲大陆现有2092种语言,约占世界语言总数的30.3%。这些同中有异、异中有同的语言按照系统分类的方法可归结到四大语系,即尼日尔—刚果语系、尼罗—撒哈拉语系、亚非语系、柯伊桑语系。其中部落语(tribal language)可以说是非洲语言当之无愧的主力军。部落语众多和多语言使用是非洲语言所呈现出的社会语言学特征。由于非洲是认同异己价值的社会,因此部落语、地区通用语、官方语言等形成了我中有你、你中有我的和谐共生局面。基于此,本文旨在探讨非洲语言的社会状况。即以部落语、系统分类、多语言使用、非洲部落共生的原理为前提概观非洲语言本身的状况和语言所处的社会状况,特别是非洲多数语言所处的状况这种普遍状态和多层化多语言使用的实态(1)。
According to the statistics of the International SIL, “Ethnologue”, there are 2092 languages in the continent, accounting for 30.3% of the total number of world languages. These same, different languages in common according to the method of systematic classification can be attributed to the four major languages, namely the Niger-Congo language department, the Nile-Saharan language, the Afro-Asian language family, the Ke Sang language department. Tribal language is a well-deserved main force in African languages. The large number of blogs and multilingualism are characteristics of sociolinguistics presented by African languages. Because Africa is a society that recognizes the value of alienation, tribal languages, regional lingua franca and official languages have formed a harmonious intergrowth situation in which I have you and you. Based on this, this article aims to explore the social conditions of African languages. That is, based on the principles of tribal language, systematic classification, multilingualism and tribal symbiosis in Africa, the author summarizes the status of the African language itself and the social conditions in which the language is located. In particular, the prevailing state of multilingualism and multi-stratification Multilingual use of the real (1).