Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Organisaitional Productivity:A Case Study Of Julius B

来源 :复旦大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghan0106
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This study explores the relationships among transformational leadership style, cognitive trust, and collective efficacy as well as the impact of these variables on distal team performance.Data collected from 31 teams find that team cognitive trust as two process variables involves a transformational leadership process in which cognitive trust in the team leader and cognitive trust among team members mediate the impact of this leadership style on collective efficacy.The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of applying transformational leadership elements in enhancing project team performance in construction project teams in Nigeria.The objectives were to inquire the application of transformational leadership elements in Nigerian construction companies, identify the effectiveness of any these elements in building effective project team and how that affect their performance and make recommendations as to who these can be improved to enhance team performance.Data was collected from 110 construction field workers and a little scale construction companies in Nigeria using just one out of the multifactor leadership scale and analyzed based on a single standard of transformational leadership impact on construction teams leadership.The study revealed that even though transformational leadership knowledge is well known to the leaders of the construction teams, implementing the elements of transformational leaderships elements are usually where the challenges are.The data also showed very strong statistical significance evidence between transformational leadership and positive performance in the field, furthermore performance metrics or ability such as: motivation, innovation, and loyalty, and high productivity, risk taking initiative and quick learning to new techniques.Although cognitive trust among team members was more closely related to proximal collective efficacy than cognitive trust in the team leader was, the factors that foster the development of cognitive trust among team members remain scantly explored in the transformational leadership literature and deserve more attention in future.
地理与生活的联系十分密切,它的许多内容其实就是活生生的现实生活。在教学活动中,教师若能“下点心思”紧密联系生活,从学生的兴趣和生活体验切入,匠心独运地构建好“生活大课堂”,就能大大提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的地理技能。    一、因势利导,在错题中引出生活的地理    人非圣贤,孰能无过。即使是教师,有时候也难免出点小差小错。面对“出错”,我们无须遮遮掩掩,而应以科学、开明的态度及时抓住“教学契
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