
来源 :英国研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solar_cbc
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茶是世界上最畅销的三大非酒精饮料之一。中国是茶叶的母国,一度是世界上唯一生产茶叶的国家。英国的地理环境决定了其本土不会生长出一片茶叶,但英式下午茶却享誉全球。中英茶叶贸易为不能自产茶叶的英国人享用茶叶提供了先决条件。马戛尔尼访华事件在中英茶叶贸易的转变上起了重要作用,在中英茶叶交流史上占有重要的地位。本文以马戛尔尼访华事件为切入点,深入研究该事件发生之前、之后中英茶叶贸易的演变,通过这一问题的研究可以进一步明晰中英茶叶交流发展态势,近而延伸到整个中英交往的历程中,为处在全球化日益加深时代的中国提供历史的借鉴。 Tea is one of the top three best non-alcoholic drinks in the world. China is the home country of tea and was once the only country in the world producing tea. The geographical setting of the United Kingdom determines that its native land will not grow a single piece of tea, but British afternoon tea has a worldwide reputation. The Sino-British tea trade provides the precondition for enjoying tea for the British, who can not produce their own tea. Macartney’s visit to China played an important role in the transformation of tea trade between China and Britain, occupying an important position in the history of tea exchanges between China and Britain. This article takes Macartney’s visit to China as an entry point and deeply studies the evolution of the tea trade between China and Britain before and after the incident. Through the study of this issue, the development trend of Sino-British tea exchange can be further clarified, extending from the whole to the whole In the course of diplomatic relations between China and Britain, we can provide historical reference to China, which is deepening the globalization era.
姓“社”姓“资”:“南巡”背景 20世纪80年代末和90年代初,国际国内形势非常严峻。国际上,苏联解体、东欧剧变,顿使国际共产主义运动陷入低潮。在国内,由于西方国家对中国
Based on the engineering observations of coal and gas outbursts during mining processes and the experimental results,we built a thin plate mechanical model for