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2012年6月15日,“国际化视野下的金融创新、金融监管与西部金融中心建设”研讨会暨中国证券法学研究会2012年年会在成都锦江宾馆隆重召开。本次年会由中国证券法学研究会主办,四川省政府金融办公室、四川省社会科学院承办,宜宾五粮液股份有限公司、西南联合产权交易所有限责任公司协办。来自全国金融监管部门、金融机构以及金融法学界的400余名领导、专家和学者参加了此次学术会议。出席此次会议的代表来自中国证监会、中国银监会、上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所、中信银行、中信证券、中国证券业协会、中国证券登记结算有限责任公司、证券投资者保护基金公司等金融监管部门、金融机构和最高人民法院、上海市高级人民法院等司法机关,以及北京大学、清华大学、香港中文大学、中央财经大学、上海财经大学等高校。四川省金融监管部门、相关行政机关、金融机构、上市公司代表200余人参加了会议。金融时报社和讯网等13家新闻媒体到会对会议进行报道。会议围绕“混业经营背景下的金融创新与风险控制”、“国际金融监管新趋势与我国金融监管改革”、“中国资本市场的制度改革与《证券法》修改”、“西部大开发国家战略下的区域性金融中心建设”四个问题展开研讨。学者以提交学术论文和会议口头发言等各种方式,就国际比较和中国实践进行了兼具理论研究和实证分析的探讨和交流,内容广泛涉猎国际最新动向、国内热点问题的各个层面。 On June 15, 2012, the “2012 Annual Meeting of Financial Innovation, Financial Supervision and the Construction of Western Financial Center under the Vision of Internationalization” and the 2012 Annual Meeting of China Securities Law Research Society were held ceremoniously in Chengdu Jinjiang Hotel. This annual meeting is sponsored by China Securities Law Research Association, hosted by the Sichuan Provincial Government Finance Office, undertaken by Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Yibin Wuliangye Co., Ltd. and Southwest United Assets and Equity Exchange Limited Liability Company. More than 400 leaders, experts and scholars from the financial regulatory authorities, financial institutions and financial law scholars attended the conference. Representatives from China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China Financial Futures Exchange, CITIC Bank, CITIC Securities, China Securities Association, China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., securities Such as financial regulatory authorities, financial institutions, the Supreme People’s Court and the Shanghai Municipal Higher People’s Court, as well as other institutions of higher learning such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Central University of Finance and Economics and the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. More than 200 representatives of Sichuan’s financial regulatory authorities, relevant administrative organs, financial institutions and listed companies attended the meeting. The 13 news agencies, including the Financial Times and CyberNet, will report on the meeting. The meeting revolved around the theme of “Financial Innovation and Risk Control under the Background of Mixed Operation”, “New Trend of International Financial Regulation and China’s Financial Regulatory Reform”, “System Reform of China’s Capital Market and Amendment of Securities Law” “Four major issues of regional financial center construction under the national strategy of western development”. Scholars have discussed and exchanged both theoretical research and empirical analysis on international comparison and practice in China in various ways, such as submitting academic papers and oral presentations at the conference. The contents of this article cover all aspects of the latest international trends and domestic hot issues.
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