目的 :探讨健康青年男子剧烈运动时血液浓缩对血中六种激素卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (LH)、催乳素 (PRL)、睾丸酮 (T)、雌二醇 (E2 )和孕酮 (P)的影响。方法 :测定 34名消防员在完成 2 2 0 0米长跑前、后RBC、Hb、HCT和血中六种激素。用统计学方法研究应激条件下消防员的血液浓缩与血中六种激素水平变化的相关关系。结果 :消防员剧烈运动时T和E2 轻度升高与血液浓缩具有明显的相关性。结论 :青年男子应激时血液浓缩可能是引起血中T和E2 轻度升高的原因 ,却不能造成FSH和LH的升高。这些现象具有重要的生理学意义
Objective: To investigate the effects of blood concentration on serum levels of six hormones of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), estradiol Effect of ketone (P). Methods: 34 firefighters were tested for RBC, Hb, HCT and six hormones before and after the completion of a 2 200-meter long run. Using statistical methods to study the correlation between firefighters’ blood concentration and changes of blood levels of six hormones under stress conditions. Results: There was a clear correlation between the mild increase of T and E2 in firefighters during intense exercise and blood concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Hemoconcentration of young men during stress may be responsible for the mild increase of T and E2 in blood, but they can not result in the increase of FSH and LH. These phenomena have important physiological significance