一、“中国地理”和小学地理的异同点 1.共同点:①教学内容上——两者都以区域地理知识为基本内容。②确定教学内容的原则都是以正确阐明人地关系为准绳。两者都要求在教学中将基础知识教育、发展学生智能与思想政治教育有机机地联系起来。③教学方法上都重视直观教学,强调运用地图在教学中的重要作用。
I. The similarities and differences between “China Geography” and primary school geography 1. Common points: 1 Teaching content—both are based on regional geography knowledge. 2 The principles for determining the content of teaching are all based on the correct interpretation of the relationship between man and land. Both require the integration of basic knowledge education and the development of student intelligence with ideological and political education in teaching. 3 Teaching methods all pay attention to intuitive teaching, emphasizing the importance of using maps in teaching.