用紫外分光光度法 ,以其它 β-内酰胺抗生素为对照 ,研究美洛培南对 6种标准超广谱 β-内酰胺酶 (TEM- 3,TEM- 4,TEM- 5 ,SHV- 2 ,SHV- 4,SHV- 5 )的稳定性及抑酶作用。美洛培南、亚胺培南、拉氧头孢和头孢西丁对 6种标准超广谱 β-内酰胺酶均高度稳定。氨曲南对 6种酶的稳定性较好 ,其相对水解率不超过 13% ;青霉素及一、二、三代头孢菌素对 6种酶均不稳定 ,大多数相对水解率超过 2 0 %。美洛培南和亚胺培南对 6种 β-内酰胺酶具有良好抑制作用 ,且抑制程度与抑制剂浓度有关。
The effects of meropenem on six standard extended-spectrum β-lactamases (TEM-3, TEM-4, TEM-5, SHV-2, SHV-4, SHV-5) stability and inhibition of enzyme. Meropenem, imipenem, deoxyhexidine and cefoxitin were highly stable against six standard extended spectrum β-lactamases. Aztreonam has good stability to six kinds of enzymes, and its relative hydrolysis rate does not exceed 13%. Penicillin and the first, second and third generation cephalosporins are unstable to all six kinds of enzymes, and the relative hydrolysis rate is mostly over 20%. Meropenem and imipenem have a good inhibitory effect on 6 kinds of β-lactamases, and the degree of inhibition is related to the inhibitor concentration.