据报载,为了稳定国内足球市场,严肃赛风赛纪,中国足协将于近期成立“调查组”,重点对在今年联赛中出现的裁判“黑哨”等不正常现象进行追踪调查。对裁判执法不公,甚至收纳重贿偏袒一方的人和事,一经查实,将严惩不贷。闻此讯不禁对足协狠抓赛风赛纪的决心和举措拍手称道。 冷静下来,又对足协这一良好的愿望能收到应有的效果表示怀疑。理由有三:
According to reports, in order to stabilize the domestic football market, serious competition, the Chinese Football Association will soon set up a “survey team”, focusing on the referee this year appear in the league “black whistle” and other irregularities in tracking investigation. Unjust enforcement of the referee, and even admitted to take part in re-bribing people and things, once verified, will be severely punished. Smell the news can not help but pay close attention to the Football Association 赛 赛 赛 determination and initiatives clapping praise. Calm down, but also on the good wishes of Football Association can receive the desired effect of doubt. There are three reasons: