美国哈佛商业杂志发表的一项研究报告指出:“再次光临的顾客比初次登门的人,可为公司带来25%—85%的利润,而吸引他们再来的因素中,首先是服务质量的好坏,其次是产品的本身,最后才是价格。” 那么如何提高销售服务的质量呢? 从一点一滴小事做起重庆“东方副食部”1988年开张,不到一年时间,就闻名遐迩。有人说,它的成功秘诀是“洗酱油瓶”。事情原来是这样的,每当顾客到“东方副食部”购买散装酱油时,副食部的营业员都要检查顾客带来的酱油容器是否清
A research report published by the Harvard Business magazine in the United States pointed out: “The customers who come back for the first time can bring profits to the company by 25% to 85%. Among the factors attracting them, the first is the quality of service. Good or bad, followed by the product itself, and finally the price.” So how to improve the quality of sales service? Start from a little bit of a small thing Chongqing “Non-staple food department ” opened in 1988, less than a year It is famous. Some people say that the secret to its success is “washing soy sauce bottles.” This is what happened. Whenever a customer goes to the “Non-staple Food Department” to purchase bulk soy sauce, the salesperson of the non-staple food department must check whether the soy sauce container brought by the customer is clean.