厦门经济特区建设20年来,取得的辉煌业绩不胜枚举。厦门所独有的“特区精神”是什么呢?以笔者愚见,纵观厦门特区的发展历程,“厦门特区精神”的本质特征应该概括为“追求完美”,其本质内涵则应归纳为:“在创业中追求完美,在追求完美中创业。” 人们说厦门“太美了”。就是说,他们对厦门产生了美感方面的共鸣。“引起你的惊赞和快乐,这两种感情,就是美”。(伏尔泰)“美的事物在人们心中所唤起的感觉是明朗的喜悦,近似在亲爱的人面前洋溢于我们心中的那种欢喜”。(车尔尼雪夫
Over the past 20 years since the Xiamen Special Economic Zone was set up, numerous brilliant achievements have been made. What is the “Spirit of the SEZ” unique to Xiamen? In my humble opinion, looking at the development of the SEZ, the essential characteristics of the “Spirit of Xiamen SEZ” should be summed up as “Pursuit of Perfection”, and its essential connotation should be summarized as follows: “Pursuing perfection in business and business in pursuit of perfection.” People say Xiamen is “so beautiful.” In other words, they have had a sense of beauty to Xiamen. “Cause your amazement and happiness, these two feelings, is the United States.” (Voltaire) “The beauty of the things that arouse in people’s minds is a clear joy, similar to the joy that permeates us in the presence of dear ones.” Chernyshev