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1985年12月,西藏人民出版社出版的《西藏简史》认为“藏蒙协定”(或称“蒙藏协约”)的签署是“虚传”(见该书第365页)。然而档案史料证明事实并非如此。如日本外务省于昭和三十九年三月出版的《日本外交文书》大正二年第一册中就收录了有关签订“蒙藏协约”的数通文件,反映了西藏和外蒙古代表缔结“蒙藏协约”的简要情况和协约的内容。现将这些文件译出,以供读者参考。这里需要说明的是,“蒙藏协约”是十三世达赖喇嘛及其政治智囊德尔智等人一手策划的。在辛亥革命爆发,国内局势动荡的情势下,喀尔喀少数世俗封建主宣布外蒙古“独立”更加坚定了十三世达赖喇嘛搞“西藏独立”和“藏蒙联盟”的分裂主义图谋。当时外蒙古虽已宣布“独立”,但遭到中国政府的坚决反对,在国际上也未得到任何一个国家的承认,甚至连策动外蒙古自中国分离出去的沙皇俄国也坚决反对外蒙古“独立”。因此,十三世达赖喇嘛派遣缔结协约全权委员德尔智前往库伦与外蒙古当局磋商缔结“蒙藏协约”,彼此承认“独立国地位”等等,恰是外蒙古当局朝思暮想的,双方代表很快于1913年1月11日缔结了“蒙藏协约”。西藏政府是中国的地方政府,外蒙古当时虽然已宣布“独立”,但未得到中国与世界各国的承认,仍为中国领土不可分割的一部分,因此,西藏与外蒙古当局均不具有签订国际条约的资格,所缔结的“蒙藏协约”完全是非法的,无效的。十三世达赖喇嘛发起的缔结“蒙藏协约”的活动不过是一场闹剧而已。 In December 1985, the “Brief History of Tibet” published by the Tibet People’s Publishing House held that the signing of the “Tibet-Mongolian Agreement” (or “Mongol-Tibet Agreement”) was “illusory” (see page 365 of the book). However, the historical facts prove that the facts are not. For example, the first volume of the “Japanese Diplomatic Documents” published by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in March, 1939, which published in the first volume of the Taisho Year 2, contained the figures on the accession to the “Mongolian-Tibetan Treaty,” reflecting that the representatives of Tibet and Outer Mongolia concluded “ Mongolian and Tibetan Treaties ”and the contents of the agreement. These documents are now translated for readers’ reference. What needs to be clarified here is that the “Mongol-Tibet Agreement” was planned by the 13th Dalai Lama and his political thinker Del Zhizhi. In the wake of the Revolution of 1911 and the volatile situation in the country, a few secular feudal lords in Khalkala announced that “independence” in Mongolia further strengthened the secessionist plot of the 13th Dalai Lama in “Tibet independence” and “Tibet-Montenegro alliance.” At that time, although Mongolia had already declared “independence”, it was firmly opposed by the Chinese government and was not internationally recognized by any country. Even Tsarist Russia, which separated Outer Mongolia from China, firmly opposed Outer Mongolia’s “independence ”. Therefore, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama sent the CPPCC member Del Zhizhun to go to Cullen to discuss with the Outer Mongolian authorities to conclude the “Mongolia-Tibet Pact,” recognize each other’s “independent state status” The representatives of both sides concluded the Mongolian-Tibetan Accord soon on January 11, 1913. Although the Tibet government was a local government of China, although Mongolia had declared “independence” at the time, it was still an inalienable part of China’s territory without being recognized by China and the rest of the world. Therefore, neither Tibet nor the outside Mongolia have the right to sign an international treaty Of the qualifications, the conclusion of the “Mongol-Tibet agreement” is completely illegal and invalid. The 13th Dalai Lama’s campaign to conclude the “Mongol-Tibet agreement” is only a farce.
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