随着国内外市场的逐步接轨,中外合资企业犹如雨后春笋,对发展经济起到了巨大的推动作用,有些企业因此取得了令人瞩目的成功。然而,在这股合资热潮的背后,却有一红灯隐隐闪现。我们通过对一部分合资企业调查分析,看到了一个吞噬国家资财的“合资”陷阱——本应堂堂正正的投资行为被某些外来“投资者”演绎成了见不得阳光的投机丑剧。 一家与港商合资的公司,虽利润颇丰,但中方总经理却向笔者连声叹气,大倒苦水。原来,这家公司被港方投资人独揽了进出口大权,从中盘剥渔利。中方缺少有力的反击手段,只能自认倒霉。当初双方签订投资合同时,港商表示,其他条件均可商洽,但必须独揽原料进口权和产成品出口权。由于中方以为这两项权
With the gradual convergence of domestic and foreign markets, Sino-foreign joint ventures are springing up, which has played a huge role in promoting economic development. Some companies have therefore achieved remarkable success. However, behind this joint venture boom, there is a red light flashing. Through investigation and analysis of some joint ventures, we have seen a “joint venture” trap that engulfs state assets. The supposedly upright investment behavior was deduced by some foreign “investors” into a speculative and unsightful spectacle. Although a company with a Hong Kong-based joint venture company has a lot of profits, the general manager of the Chinese side has sighed to the writer and plunged. It turned out that this company was dominated by Hong Kong investors in the import and export power, and it was profitable from the middle. The Chinese side lacks a powerful counterattack and can only be considered unlucky. When the two sides signed an investment contract, Hong Kong businessmen said that other conditions can be negotiated, but must seize the right to import raw materials and finished products export rights. Because China thinks these two rights