我这人好寒伧,一辈子没吃过国宴,更没福气品尝钓鱼台养源斋国家特级厨师的佳肴了。有一年我去南京,在马祥兴点叫它拿手的美人肝(鸭胰)和凤尾虾,入口不是原来的滋味,一问方知它的一、二把名手都应召上北京饭店了。这正和北京近年来恢复的老字号饭庄,“庙虽说是这座庙,已经不是原来的菩萨了。” 我一生走南闯北,也吃过不少地方风味菜,连北方人一提起心里就发毛的龙虎斗、穿山甲、田鼠都尝试过。广东菜味淡,海鲜生猛,取其鲜美味纯。四川菜味厚,一般都带麻辣,连东坡肉也如此,久之味觉麻痹,任何菜皆是一个味,但宴席是例外,很少用辣。油腻吃惯了,反觉菜根香,去年上厦门,人们盛称南普陀的素斋美冠全
I am a man of good frigidity, never eaten a state banquet, but no blessing to taste Diaoyutai source country vegetarian chef cuisine. One year I went to Nanjing and called it the beautiful liver (duck-pancreas) and phoenix shrimp at Ma Xiangxing. The entrance was not the original taste. One or two famous people asked for it to be summoned to Beijing Hotel. This is the same old Beijing restaurant that Beijing has been rejuvenating in recent years, “although the temple is the temple, it is no longer the original Buddha.” "I traveled all my life and eaten a lot of local flavor dishes. Dragons, pangolins, voles have tried. Cantonese cuisine light, fresh seafood, whichever is delicious. Szechuan dishes thick, usually with spicy, even the Dongpo meat so, for a long time taste numbness, any dish is a taste, but the banquet is an exception, rarely spicy. Used to eat greasy, anti-sense root vegetables, last year on Xiamen, people praised Nanputuo prime vegetarian Quanquan