松木线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner and Buhrer)Nickle)是日本松树枯萎的原因之一。在日本,对森林的严重为害已持续30年。近年来,在遍布美国的针叶树上均发现线虫。在北美,对松木线虫的生物学和病原学知道得不多。目前,似乎威胁到美国和加拿大的本地针叶林。这表明,线虫有广泛的寄主范围和广阔的地理分布区。线虫的发生和树木受到病、虫的严重为害有联系,而且线虫在本世纪初期已经在美国出现。易受感染的针叶纯林的营造,种植区立地条件较差和较有效的媒介混虫的传入等可能导致增加线虫为害的原因。
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle is one of the causes of Japanese pine wilt. In Japan, the worst damage to forests has lasted for 30 years. In recent years, nematodes have been found on conifers throughout the United States. In North America, little is known about the biology and etiology of pine nematodes. It now appears to threaten native coniferous forests in the United States and Canada. This shows that the nematodes have a wide host range and a broad geographical distribution. The occurrence of nematodes is linked to the severity of the disease and insects in the trees, and the nematodes have appeared in the United States early in this century. The construction of vulnerable coniferous pure forests, poor planting site conditions and the introduction of more effective vector-borne diseases may lead to increased nematode infestation.