On Students’ Psychological Block in Spoken English Practice

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  【关键词】经典条件作用过程; 英语口语; 心理障碍
  【Abstract】Analyzed the reasons resulting in the Students’ psychological block in Spoken English Practice. Point out that teachers should use the generalization and extinction of the classical conditioning theory to motivate the students feeling. Try to form a very good class atmosphere. Make the students be confident and in good mentality gradually. Finally the students are willing to take part in the spoken English practice and organize efficient class activities.
  【Key words】Classical conditioning theory; Spoken English; Psychological block
  【中图分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0055-02
  Modern English Education emphasizes the applied use of English. In China, students spend a lot of time on English learning, but their ability to apply what they learn is very poor, especially in communication. These are closely related to the lack of necessary practice in their English learning process. The phenomenon of not willing to speak or dare not to speak is very common. They are afraid of failure or losing face in front of people. This kind of psychological environment limits their improvement of their applied English abilities. Therefore, for a long time, English education in China is considered as “producing very little effectiveness”, “inefficient and time consuming”, “high investment but low returns” or “deaf mute English”.
  1 Analysis of reasons resulting in the Students’ psychological block in Spoken English Practice
  1.1 Their characteristics decide that they are not willing to speak. The Chinese traditional culture advocate modesty and courtesy . So, many people develop an introvert character. Comparing with the Westerners’ outgoing, extroversion and fashion oriented self character, most Chinese students are relatively introvert. Therefore, they become inactive in spoken English practice or unwilling to express themselves even though they actually can do .
  1.2 The teaching method of blaming instead of encouraging students to speak. For a very long period of time, we get more blame than encouragement in receiving education. There is always a gap between teachers and students. Students usually don’t want to show themselves in front of their teachers for afraid of being criticized. In class, they dare not to express themselves too.
  1.3 Not being brave enough to face failure is another reason that results in students unwillingness to speak. Nowadays, many students grow up in a very good environment. The schools and families neglect their emotional and psychological development, especially the ability of facing frustration. So, theirpsychological endurance become very poor. When they need to practice their spoken English, they are afraid of losing face in front of their classmates, and are unwilling to experience failure. The result of that is in the spoken English class, the teacher speaks most of the time even though the teacher emphasized many times that students should have most of the time for speaking English.
  2 Basic Theory
  the Classical Conditioning Process theory put forward by I. M. Sechenov can have great effect on overcoming the students’ psychological block when they practice their spoken English. He said Classical Conditioning consists of three stages: generalization, discrimination and extinction.
  Generalization is to have the same respond to the similar stimulus. For instance, some students are nervous for some kind of exams and then they will be nervous for some other courses too. Once they link these kind of feelings to the the school or the teachers, they will have the same reaction in the classes.
  Discrimination is to have a response to similar but not exactly the same stimulus. For example, some students can get very high score on regular exams, but not the more important ones.
  Extinction is the process of having the stimulus but no response or the response just disappears . For example, some students have strong willing to express themselves in class, they usually will raise hands and wait for the teachers permission to express themselves. But if they are not allowed to stand up and show their opinions by the teachers, their willings will go through extinction they will not want to express themselves in the classes any more.
  The Classical Conditioning Process theory is very helpful in spoken English teaching. In the process, the individuals can get the reaction of the emotions or attitudes to all kinds of situations. That is, we can get the emotions or attitudes just like getting some kinds of reality and conceptions. And the getting of the emotions can affect the learning of facts and conceptions. Furthermore, students’ some emotions or habits are also formed by generalization, discrimination and extinction.
  We should take all kind of actions to solve the students’ long existing generalization of the psychological block or to free them from that. On one hand, we need to motivate students to take part in the class communication and enjoy the happiness of that. By the process of generalization, they may form the good habit of positively taking part in the oral activities. On the other hand, the teachers should encourage them when they express themselves and extinct their fears. Therefore, the teachers should make a relaxed class atmosphere to let students express themselves.
  3 Solutions
  3.1 Strengthen the students’ confidence on their own knowledge. Students are usually not confident enough to join in spoken English practice. So, The teachers should tell them they can communicate well if they can master 1800 words or so. The vocabulary of college students are far more than 1800; they have enough knowledge to describe or illustrate the things they need to. The teachers also need to tell students if they are well-prepared, they will be more confident and make them know it is not hard to communicate or express well.
  3.2 the teachers should be emotionally open to their students. They should be mild, love them and give them some positive hint, especially to the problem students. When the teachers want to show their care to the students, they should treat them equally, no matter what kind of students they are, and also respect their human dignity and self-esteem.
  3.3 the teachers’ right and reasonable evaluations have some positive effect. The German educationalist Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg said “the art of teaching is not the ability to teach,but to encourage, arouse and inspire students” The evaluation to the students at the very beginning of the class will affect theirenthusiasm on joining in the class activities. If the teacher criticizes them, they will be afraid, scared and this kind of generalization will affect the following activities. In contrast, if the teacher is very mild, uses encouraging or affirmative words then students will get successful experience. Students can be more confident and maybe willing to show themselves in the future.
  3.4 The teachers should be good at making an exciting and friendly class atmosphere. That is a very important factor on extincting the students’ psychological block and worrying. Besides the teachers’ effect, the attitudes among them will also influence their enthusiasm. The teachers should guide them to respect and encourage each other. Tell them before the class begins that every one will make mistakes and that it is very normal. They can also have their own opinions about things, and if they would like to they can share their ideas with the whole class. Meanwhile, the teacher should encourage them and tell them they should learn to use the sentences like “ Take it easy” , “Don’t be nervous” when some one is nervous to encourage the person.
  The teachers should not limit the students’ oral expression. In spoken English class, there are a lot of things related to their opinion on the society or their lives. When come to this kind of situation, the teacher can’t give them a standard answer or limit their ideas. They need to widen their thought and encourage them to set forth their minds from different angles. At the beginning of the spoken English course, the teachers should not care about grammar or expressions accuracy. The purpose of speaking is toexpress themselves, communicate and understand each other. In this way , they don’t need to worry about making mistakes.
  Teachers have to face up to the generalization of being afraid of expressing psychology. They should generalize their enthusiasm to take part in the class activities by encouraging the students to speak, extincting their long formed fear and finally making the students build up the normal mentality to take part in the activities.
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【中图分类号】G635.1【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)02-0085-02    教学是复杂的,是一项令人感到困惑的工作。教学的复杂性,不仅仅是学科的复杂,学生的复杂,更重要的是教师教导自己认识自我的复杂性。认识自我,与认识学生和学科同等的重要。认识学生和学科,需要获得关于自我的知识。当不了解自我时,就不能了解学生,从而不能很好的教好学生。当不了解自我时,也不能认识
【摘要】学而不思,思而不疑,疑而不问,是传统教学中存在的一个恶习;而学有所思,思有所疑,疑有所问,是现代教学所提倡的优良学习方式。积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力建设开放而有活力的独立课程,这是新的课程标准明确提出的理念。在这样的新课标的新理念指导下,构建符合学生内部心理的学习活动,积极开展探究式的学习实践对于中学地理教育的发展具有重要的意义。  【关键词】中学地理;探究式;地理课堂  【
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