在山东省莱阳市,提起农机区域化管理三中队,那就是指我们一行5人。赁着多年的基层工作经验,我们5人用治机三招连续3年在6个中队中创下的收入第一的记录。 以静治动 吕格庄镇是个石头之乡,全镇的拖拉机几乎全用在运输石头上,农闲时间进出石矿的拖拉机说是车水马龙一点儿也不夸张。他们大多早出晚归,手续不全跑黑车,这给农机管理带来了一个大难题。自从划分区域化管理归我们中
In Laiyang City, Shandong Province, the Squadron of Regionalization of Agricultural Machinery was put forward, which means that we have five people on our side. Lean for many years of grass-roots work experience, we use five people with three strikes for three consecutive years in the six squadron hit record in the first income. In order to rule the motion Lugar town is a stone town, the town’s tractors almost all used in the transport of stone, slack time out of the quarry tractor said it is a busy little exaggeration. Most of them go out early and late, incomplete procedures run black car, which has brought a big problem for the management of agricultural machinery. Since the division of regional management belong to us