Based on the statistical analysis of traffic composition, load power, load mass and mass power ratio of freeway in Inner Mongolia, the dominant model of the uphill section of expressway is determined. According to the revised velocity prediction model, the slope gradient (1% -6%), slope length, load mass (30,40,50,55t), mass power ratio (80,120,160,200kg · kW-1 ) And the initial ramp speed (0, 20, 40, 60 km · h-1). The reasons for the curve changes were also studied from the perspective of vehicle dynamics. The results show that the dominant type of coal-expressway in Inner Mongolia is the Foton Auman ETX9 heavy truck. When the truck runs on a certain slope, the speed will not decrease with the increase of slope length. The larger the slope, The faster the vehicle speed is, the lower the speed of balance is and the lower the balance speed is reached finally. The higher the vehicle load mass is, the faster the speed is reduced. The smaller the mass power ratio is, the better the vehicle climbing performance is. long.