搜索一下艺术教育,竟有4,440,000个相关网页,而且,这一数字将继续增大。艺术教育在现代教育体系中的 位置正日益彰显并日渐重要。 通常,艺术教育又分狭义的艺术教育和广义的艺术教育两大范畴。在世界范围内,舞蹈、戏剧、音乐和视觉艺术 等传统的艺术教育学科经过近百年的教学实践,基本形成了相对成熟的模式和内容。我们这里要讨论的是广义的艺术 教育,即作为素质教育的有机组成部分的艺术教育。
Search for art education, as many as 4,440,000 related web pages, but that number will continue to grow. The position of art education in the modern education system is increasingly prominent and increasingly important. In general, art education is divided into two categories: art education in a narrow sense and art education in a broad sense. In the world, traditional art education such as dance, drama, music and visual arts has basically formed a relatively mature pattern and content after nearly a hundred years of teaching practice. What we are going to discuss here is generalized art education, that is, art education as an integral part of quality education.