名称的由来 在云南,滇剧是有代表性的地方剧种。除在省内较大的城市流行外,有些少数民族地区对滇剧也非常喜爱。因此作为其伴奏乐队的主奏乐器,滇丝弦的名称之首被冠以“滇”字也属自然。“丝弦”二字原本并无明确所指,往往只是对扭弦乐器甚至更大范围的弦乐器的泛称。如流
The origin of the name in Yunnan, Yunnan Opera is a representative local opera. In addition to the larger cities in the province popular, some ethnic minority areas are also very fond of Yunnan Opera. Therefore, as the accompaniment band accompaniment of the main instrument, the first name of the Dian string was dubbed “Dian” is also a natural word. The word “string”, which was not explicitly stated at the beginning, was often just a generic term for a twisted stringed instrument or even a wider range of stringed instruments. Like a stream