
来源 :民族法学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yijixu
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(一)改革开放是推进民族法制建设的活力源泉,邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等中央领导同志高度重视民族法制建设,推动民族法制建设不断取得新成就。(二)改革开放推进了民族法律法规体系的建设和完善,目前我国初步建立起了以宪法有关民族问题的规定为根本,以民族区域自治法为核心的有中国特色的民族法律法规体系的基本框架,成为我国法制体系中独具特色的一个重要组成部分。(三)民族法制建设坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持民族区域自治的法制化建设,促进民族工作的法制化,为民族地区改革发展提供了重要的法律保障。(四)改革开放的新形势新任务对民族法制建设提出新的要求,要进一步增强民族法制的影响力,提高民族法制的执行力,加强理论研究,推动民族法制建设在新的历史起点上,不断开创新的局面。 (1) Reform and opening up are the source of vitality in promoting the legal construction of the nationality. Central leaders including Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao attach great importance to the construction of the legal system for ethnic minorities so as to continuously make new achievements in building the national legal system. (2) The reform and opening up promoted the construction and improvement of the system of national laws, regulations and rules. At present, China has basically established a system based on the constitutional provisions on ethnic issues and the basic system of ethnic laws and regulations with Chinese characteristics centered on the law of regional ethnic autonomy Framework has become an important part of the unique legal system in our country. (III) Building the Ethnic Legal System By adhering to economic construction as the center, adhering to the legal construction of ethnic regional autonomy and promoting the legalization of ethnic work provide important legal guarantees for the reform and development in minority areas. 4. The New Situation of Reform and Opening Up The new tasks put forward new requirements for the construction of the national legal system. We must further enhance the influence of the ethnic legal system and enhance the implementation of the national legal system, strengthen theoretical research and promote the legal construction of the nation at a new historical starting point, Constantly open up new situations.
1、前言 龙湖大厦是高层商住楼,位于广州大沙北路,由两层地下室、四层裙楼及两栋二十八层塔楼组成,总建筑面积约6万平方米,地面以上高100M,该工程原已由某设计单位进行了施
借鉴名著名篇,高考作文会别有洞天,不过要注意以下几点:一是必须吃透原著的精神,准确、深刻地把握原著的内容和主题,透彻理解人物、予以准确定位。二是要有自己独到的体会,触别人未触之角度,发别人未得之得,即有一点创造性的发挥,有自己理性的思考,而不能照搬硬套。三是要巧妙地扣合文题,如何连接,大有文章,如果勾连不当,就会“差之毫厘,谬以千里”。通过以下两篇例文,我们来探讨一下名著与写作的对接方法。  【作