英语专业的学生应该认真学点语言学。对此持异议的人,时下恐已不多;但认为这门学问枯燥乏味、难教难学的人,确也不少。要使这门学科的教学走出“疲软”的境地,自然应做许多方面的工作。其突破口有二:一是编写适合中国高校英语专业学生使用的教材;二是改进教学方法。由于教学方法不能不受到教材内容和设计的制约,所以人们都盼望合适的教材早日问世。这里推荐的便是近年出版的两本较好的语言学教科书。一本是《语言学教程——Linguistics:A Course Book》(北京大学出版社,1988年第一版),由胡壮
English majors should learn linguistics seriously. However, there are not many people who disagree with it at this moment. However, there are indeed quite a few people who think it is dull and hard to learn. In order to get the teaching of this discipline out of its “weakness,” naturally, many aspects of its work should be done. The breakthrough is twofold: First, the preparation of textbooks for English majors in colleges and universities in China; second is to improve teaching methods. Because teaching methods can not but be constrained by the content and design of teaching materials, people are looking forward to the early availability of suitable teaching materials. Recommended here is published in recent years, two good linguistics textbooks. One is “Linguistics: A Course Book” (Peking University Press, 1988 first edition), by Hu Zhu