编辑同志: 你们好!我是一个离异男士,性格温和,很重感情,天性善良又有些软弱。一年前,我和妻子因性格不和,吵吵闹闹地离了婚。现在前妻来找我,说孩子长大了,无论是经济抚养还是从教育角度,最好是由双亲照顾。前妻提出希望和我复婚,并要求我尽快答复她。回想起和前妻一起生活的那几年,她性格急躁,任性专横,总是对我说三道四的,与这种女人同床共枕真是让我烦透了。现在她找上门来要求复婚,理由很正当,念及夫妻感情尤其是我深爱着的女儿,我不免有些犹豫。但是如果妻子没有痛改前非,
Edit comrades: Hello! I am a divorced man, gentle personality, heavy feelings, good nature and some weak. A year ago, my wife and I divorced because of disagreement. My ex-wife now comes to me and says that when a child has grown up, it is better to take care of his parents both in terms of financial support and education. Ex-wife put forward hope and me remarry, and asked me to reply her as soon as possible. In retrospect of the few years she lived with her ex-wife, she was impatient and unruly and always talked to me. It was annoying me to be in bed with such a woman. Now she came to ask for resumption of marriage, the reason is very legitimate, read the couple’s feelings, especially my beloved daughter, I can not help but hesitate. But if his wife did not hurt,