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(一)采矿法的(?)变近代各种坑内的采矿方法,是由于科学的进步发展而产生的。早期的采矿作业,仅有几种基本的采掘方决,那时候还缺乏机械设备与近代的火药知识,所以作业范围不大,产量少,而且由于生活程低底,工资不高,材料的成本也低廉,那时大多用穴掘法开采窄矿脉或星散在各处的为品位小矿体,这种原始的采掘方法在当时的条下已能达到相当的深度。对于大矿床,则大部分是用空洞采矿法与房柱法。至于矿石在周围地盘过重,如不加以支持势必頺塌的地方,则广泛采用了砌筑石墙或充填坑道等方法。 (1) The mining law (?) The modern mining methods in various pits have resulted from the scientific progress and development. Early mining operations, only a few basic digging square, when the lack of knowledge of machinery and equipment and modern gunpowder, so the scope of operations is not, less output, but also because of the low end of life, low wages, the cost of materials Also cheap at the time, most of the excavation methods used for mining narrow veins or scattered around the small grade ore body, the original mining methods at the time of the article has been able to reach a considerable depth. For large deposits, most of them are hollow mining method and the column method. As for the ore around the site is too heavy, if not to support the collapse is bound to place, then the widespread use of masonry stone walls or filling tunnels and other methods.
前段时间,有辆皇冠小轿车经几次维修无效后,开到我公司来,由于其现象较为独特,故此写出供大家参考和探讨。 故障现象 起动发动机,在怠速下运转正常后,打开大灯,发动机在几秒
A self-starting mode-locked femtosecond laser is accomplished with an oxoborate self-frequency doubling crystal Yb:YCa4O(BO3)3(Yb:YCOB) as the gain medium and a
点火线圈是变压器的一种,它是利用电磁感应的基本原理与断电器触点的张开、闭合共同配合,将蓄电池或发电机的低压电变成高压电以供点火,使发动机正常工作。 造成点火线圈损
ZnCo2O4/Si heterostructures have been fabricated by a pulsed laser deposition method, and their transport behaviors and photovoltaic properties have been charac
第 2 8届国际宝石学会议于 2 0 0 1年 1 0月 5—1 2日在西班牙马德里召开 ,会议由西班牙宝石研究所 (InstituoGemologicoEspanol)主办 ,西班牙王后担任会议的名誉主席 ,西班牙宝石研究所Sapa lskiCristina女士为会议的