
来源 :中华全科医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:navigate
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目的分析嘉兴社区高龄老人高尿酸血症的患病现状及相关因素,探索社区综合防治措施。方法采用社区体检方法,对社区1075名80岁以上老人进行健康体检。结果 27.72%(298/1075)80岁以上老人血尿酸高于正常,其中24.07%(97/403)男性和29.91%(201/672)女性血尿酸高于正常;60.82%(59/97)男性伴肾功能异常,女性仅19.90%(40/201);38.14%(37/97)男性伴高脂血症,女性高达72.14%(145/201),这两项相关因素男女性别比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);40.00%(121/298)伴高血压;12.42%(37/298)伴糖尿病;18.14%(55/298)伴肥胖。结论高龄老人血尿酸增高女性略高于男性。肾功能异常、高血压病、糖尿病、高脂血症、肥胖等危险因素占有相当比例。根据现状,提倡定期健康体检,加强相关疾病的健康教育,重视无症状高尿酸血症的防治。 Objective To analyze the prevalence and related factors of hyperuricemia in elderly people in Jiaxing community and to explore comprehensive prevention and control measures in community. Methods A community physical examination method was used to conduct a physical examination of 1075 elderly people over the age of 80 in the community. Results Serum uric acid of 27.72% (298/1075) people over 80 years old was higher than normal, of which 24.07% (97/403) males and 29.91% (201/672) females had higher serum uric acid than normal; 60.82% (59/97) males There were only 19.90% (40/201) women with renal dysfunction, 38.14% (37/97) male patients with hyperlipidemia, and 72.14% (145/201) women with gender differences in the two related factors Statistical significance (P <0.05); 40.00% (121/298) with hypertension; 12.42% (37/298) with diabetes; 18.14% (55/298) with obesity. Conclusion The elderly people with elevated serum uric acid slightly higher than men. Renal dysfunction, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity and other risk factors occupy a considerable proportion. According to the status quo, to promote regular physical examination, strengthen the health education related diseases, attention to prevention and treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia.
一、1999年全省职业教育的简要回顾 1999年全省职业教育在比较困难的情况下,取得了非常可喜的成绩。 (1)高等职业教育迅速发展招生规模由1998年的3865人一跃达到13857人,有4
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