The impact of the 40-year reform and opening-up on millennial college students

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:by_huang
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  【Abstract】The article mainly analyzed the impact of the 40-year reform and opening-up on millennial college students and described what contemporary college students should do in modern society.
  【Key words】reform and opening-up; millennial college students; impact
  During Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018, Chairman Xi Jinping presented that China had made great achievements because of the 40-year reform and opening-up, which deeply influenced millennial college students’life.
  Firstly, not only has the 40-year reform and opening-up promoted the rapid development of economy, but also it has created better living conditions for contemporary college students. They not only haven’t the trouble of hunger, but also have varieties of nutritious meals and delicious snacks to choose in the university dining hall. Major universities provide them with better dormitory conditions. Most of eight-person dorms are replaced by six-person dorms or four-person dorms with learning table , WiFi, washing machines and even air-conditioners. Nowadays they go to the university by their private car or high-speed train not just by bus and almost each college student has a cell phone. On the contrary, some college students only had beepers in the 1990s and they had to answer the phone by public telephones.
  Secondly, the 40-year reform and opening-up has improved Chinese technology and provided better study environment and more information sources for contemporary college students. They can search for knowledge in the library which has thousands of books and they can also learn knowledge in the multimedia classrooms where they can learn from PPT or videos on the electronic screen. In addition to face and face communicating with teachers in class, WeChat and other softwares can also be used to contact with teachers after class Most universities also arrange lots of funny club activities and innovation and enterprise training programs for college students in order to meet the diversified development of contemporary college students.
  Thirdly, the 40-year reform and opening-up has brought the internet era, which has changed the studying and living styles of contemporary college students. The students who like trying new things are good at studying by cell phone and computers as well as communicating with friends or families by wechat or qq. They like convenient lives, therefore they are the main buyers of shopping online, which can provide all kinds of goods for them. Meanwhile, they often book tickets and order food on the internet as well.   Just as a popular saying goes that every coin has two sides. Although the 40-years reform and opening-up has brought convenient life for college students, it has also given rise to some bad effects on them. For example, Some college students often spend too much time playing computer games online in class and not studying hard. Some of them often stay up to play games or watch videos by phone and sleep in class, which badly influenced their health and study. Some college students even cheat parents or friends to get money for shopping online.
  As presented by Chairman Xi Jinping in Boao Forum 2018, China will keep performing the reform and opening-up policy and create the bright future with many countries in the world together, which will bring more job opportunities to the college students. Our government will continue taking many measures to encourage contemporary college students to innovate and start a business. In a word, today is a wonderful era and competitive era, so we ought to treasure our happy life and set up right outlook on life and value and keep studying hard to make our dream come true. Let’s seize the valuableopportunity and strive for realizing our great Chinese dream!
  [1]习近平出席博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲[R]. 698.shtml.
【摘要】新型的多媒体教学在教育的应用方面非常的广泛,对学习教育也有明显的作用,而初中英语,作为学生学习英语的初级阶段,就更加需要在此阶段对学生英语学习习惯与兴趣有良好的培养,为以后的高中甚至是大学英语的学习打下基础,而通过多媒体教学方式与传统教学方式相结合,会给初中英语学习教学带来更高的效率,为学生学习打造更好的学习环境。  【关键词】初中英语;多媒体教学;相互结合;有效  【作者简介】刘敬萍 ,
【摘要】随着国家对英语学科实践运用能力的重视程度不断提高,口语作为英语学科中最重要的应用能力之一,逐渐成为当前英语教学改革的重点。山区英语教学水平较为落后,其中口语水平是最具有代表性的教学短板之一。本文首先分析了山区英语教学现状,接着从提升山区教师素养、建立和谐师生关系以及发展多样化教学模式三个角度提出了具有针对性的教学策略,以帮助山区学生显著提升口语水平。  【关键词】初中英语;山区教学;口语水
【摘要】在整个高职院校课程安排中,英语课仍然占着重要的地位,更是多数学生需要修读的主要科目。为了满足当前教学模式与教学理念,在原有教学的基础上,英语教师必须加强对高职院校英语教学的重视。结合本班学生的实际情况和特点,制定更加科学、合理的教学方案,同时教师要走到学生中去,拉近与学生之间的距离,营造良好的学习氛围與教学环境,以此提高学生学习英语的积极性,保障良好的教学效果。  【关键词】分层教学;高职
【摘要】在初中教育中,英语是一门重要的、基础性学科。与小学英语相比,初中英语深度和难度得到不同程度的增加。初中英语教学质量对学生后续的学习和发展产生十分深刻的影响,为此初中英语教师要使用科学合理的教学方法,提高教学质量和教学效率。本文详细阐述了愉快教学法在初中英语教学中的应用价值,仅供参考。  【关键词】愉快教学法;初中英语教学;应用价值;具体分析  【作者简介】陈增田,山东省东营市胜利第十七中学
【摘要】近年来,有不少学者试图探索原汁原味语言材料在高职高专英语教学中的应用情况,但硕果仅存。本文笔者尝试探索原汁原味语言材料在高职高专公共英语教学中的应用现状,并由此提出原汁原味语言材料在高职高专公共英语教学中的应用策略及建议,以期对高职高专公共英语教学有所帮助。  【关键词】原汁原味语言材料;高职高专;公共英语;策略及建议  【作者简介】张诗甯(1991.2-),女,汉族,甘肃陇南人,四川信息
【摘要】思维导图是一种非常有效的思维工具,将其运用到初中英语教学中,对于提升学生的英语学习能力和英语思维能力具有非常重要的促进作用。本文主要对思维导图在初中英语教学中的应用意义及策略进行了分析和探讨,以期促进初中英语教学良好发展。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;优化策略  【作者简介】张建利,寧夏平罗县陶乐中学。  新课程标准对初中英语教学质量提出了更高的要求,教师不仅需要将英语理论知识传授给学
【摘要】小学阶段的英语教学不仅枯燥且带有一定难度,由于学生学习能力较低,学习习惯尚未养成,因此导致小学英语教学的效率低下。教师教学的重点应当放在学生学习兴趣的激发方面,而利用课堂游戏开展教学活动,不仅能够激发学生的学习兴趣,还能够调动学生的学习积极性,使其主动参与教学活动,从而实现学生学习效果与教学效率的不断提升。  【关键词】英语教学;课堂游戏;小学;必要性  【作者简介】冯国菊,甘肃省白银市景