11月3日,秋高气爽,晴空万里。虹桥国际机杨,飞机轰鸣,车如潮涌,一片繁忙景象。 突然,在中航油华东公司虹桥油库上空回旋起“呜……”的警报声。此时时针正指在14:00。 虹桥油库,担负着虹桥机场所有进出港飞机燃油任务。上海市政府副秘书长陈正兴曾在检查虹桥油库工作时语重心长地对油库主任说:“油库安全系着市长的心啊!”眼下警报声响,十万火急,各有关方面立即迅速行动。
November 3, autumn, skies Miles. Hongqiao International Jianyang, the aircraft roar, cars such as tide, a busy scene. Suddenly, in China Aviation Oil Huadong Company Hongqiao depot from the whirlwind “woo ......” the alarm sound. The hour hand is now at 14:00. Hongqiao Oil Depot, Hongqiao Airport shoulders all the aircraft in and out of the fuel mission. Chen Zhengxing, deputy secretary general of the Shanghai Municipal Government, once made a solemn remark on the director of the depot when he inspected the work of the Hongqiao depot: “The safety of the depot is tied with the mayor’s heart!” At the moment, the alarm sounds extremely urgent and all relevant parties promptly take prompt action.