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美国著名心理学家埃里希·弗洛姆认为:人在清醒时,虽然是能动的,能确定目标、制定方案、付诸行动,但另一方面,由于各种现实的考虑和干扰,我们常常不知不觉地生活于谎言或假象之中,生活于相互猜忌或憎恨之中,而我们的正确判断和爱的情感却受到压抑。所以,在觉醒状态下,我们虽然是清醒的,但从另一个角度看,我们又是糊涂的。而在睡眠状态下,我们是自由的,不再受各种谎言的干扰,不再受现实利益的驱使,因而有可能做出更正确的判断。也就是说,我们在做梦时有可能比在觉醒时表现得更为智慧。所以,做梦是另一种意义上的清醒。睡着了,也就醒来了……梦都是有意义的。有些梦看上去毫无意义,但细细思量却有深意。 The famous American psychologist Ehrlich Flöm said: When people are awake, they are motivated, can set goals, make plans and put into action. On the other hand, due to various realistic considerations and disruptions, we Often unknowingly living in lies or illusions, living in mutual suspicion or hatred, and our correct judgments and feelings of love are repressed. So, while awake, we are awake, but from another perspective, we are confused again. In the sleep state, we are free, no longer subject to the interference of various lies, no longer driven by the real interests, so it is possible to make a more correct judgments. That is, we may be more wise than we were when we were awakened. So, dreaming is another sense of awakening. Fell asleep and woke up ... dreams make sense. Some dreams seem meaningless, but careful thinking has deep meaning.