宋代立国之初 ,即实行崇文抑武的政策 ,裁抑武臣 ,优渥文士 ,高其官职 ,厚其俸禄 ;同时 ,改革并完善科举制度 ,扩大科举取士的名额 ,士人的仕进之路大为改善 ;而城市和商业的发达又拉动了社会文化 (特别是俗文化 )的消费。于是 ,文人士大夫的享乐意识膨胀 ,纵情享乐之风炽盛。与之相应 ,文学创作中“感士不遇”这一传统主题被淡化 ,而“艳科”词却在世俗享乐之风的刺激下繁荣起来。但是 ,宋代君主专制和中央集权的强化 ,又束缚、压抑了文人士大夫的思想和精神。为缓解这种压抑和束缚 ,在儒、释、道三教合一的社会文化背景下 ,文人士大夫将社会责任的承担与个性自由的追求进行重新整合 ,既重外部事功 ,又重内在修养 ,勇担道义与随缘自适并行不悖。相应地 ,宋代文学中的忧患意识与享乐意识得到了充分的表现
At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the policy of Chongwen and suppressing the armed forces was implemented. The policy of restraining the military and restraining the armed forces was restrained. The policy of restraining the military governors and exercising the superiority of the military was highly restrained. At the same time, reforming and perfecting the examination system and expanding the quota of the imperial civil examinations, To improve; and the city and commerce developed and stimulated the consumption of social culture (especially the vulgar culture). As a result, literati and physician’s heightened awareness of pleasure, indulgence enjoyable. Correspondingly, the traditional theme of “sensual encounters” in literary creation has been diluted, while the word “Yanke” has prospered under the wind of secular pleasure. However, in the Song Dynasty, the monarchy and centralization of power intensified and restrained, suppressing the ideology and spirit of literati and doctor. In order to alleviate this depression and restraint, under the social and cultural background of the unity of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, literati and doctor reorganized the commitment of social responsibility and the pursuit of individual freedom, both external work and internal self-cultivation , Brave justice and self-reliance go hand in hand. Accordingly, the sense of well-being and pleasure consciousness in the literature of the Song Dynasty have been fully manifested