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战士话剧团演出的《南海长城》(导演:傅冰;美术设计:谢明、文昆、黄守志、夏立业),是根据一九六二年十月以来广东沿海军民歼灭美蒋武装特务的英勇斗争事迹编写而成的。从演出中,我们不仅被民兵们的英勇行动所鼓舞,体会到毛主席“全民皆兵”思想的伟大意义,而且还从剧中人物间的思想交锋中受到深刻的教育:只要有阶级和阶级斗争的存在,就必须保持高度的革命警惕,时时刻刻擦亮手中的枪和思想上的枪,不能让它们生锈!布景设计的成功,就在于它是和剧本的主题思想密切结合的,能够为揭示演出的思想意义、为教育千百万观众服务。我想从三个方面作些分析。 The “Great Wall of the South China Sea” (director: Fu Bing; art design: Xie Ming, Wen Kun, Huang Shouzhi and Xia Liye) performed by the Warrior Drama Troupe was a heroic act by the military commanders of the Guangdong coastal areas that wiped out the US-Chiang Militants since October 1962 Fighting stories written by. From the performance, we are not only inspired by the heroic actions of the militias, we understand the great significance of Chairman Mao’s idea of ​​“nation-wide integration,” but are also profoundly educated from the ideological confrontation between the characters in the play: as long as there is class and class struggle It is necessary to maintain a high degree of revolutionary vigilance, always polish the guns and ideological guns in the hands, can not let them rust! The success of the set design is that it is closely related to the theme of the script and can To reveal the ideological significance of the show, serve millions of educators. I want to make some analysis from three aspects.
禹州4×30万 kW 电厂是河南省重点工程,对缓解华中地区电力供应紧张局势有着十分重要的意义。白沙水库作为禹州电厂的唯一水源.其取水口处的泥沙资料将作为电厂补充水处理系
据英国《每日邮报》报道,日前,一块恐龙角化石揭晓了令科学家迷惑不解的恐龙灭绝之谜,这个最后幸存恐龙的角化石证明恐龙是在一颗巨大陨星碰撞地球后灭绝的。 According to
My life in ten years will be quite different from now.Great changes will take place in my life.In 10 years’time,I will finish my study and work in a large comp
各位首长,各位同志们: 今天,中央文化部在首都举行这么隆重的大会,给予一九六三年以来优秀的话剧创作和演出以奖励。这对我们全体话剧工作者,都是一个极大的鼓舞。我谨代表
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黑荆(Acacia mearnsii Willd)的引种在我国已有二十多年历史,引种目的主要是利用它的树皮和杆材。本文试图探求黑荆的胸径和树高与杆皮和杆材的相互关系,编制出 Acacia mea
本世纪以前,多米尼加共和国有许多的松林、阔叶林和混交林,甚至干旱地带一些未开垦地区还分布有森林。但近年来,由于无节制地滥伐森林、森林火灾以及农业开 Before the tur